Iam building a application that helps web developers design website's.It would be appreciated if you(web developers) gave me some feedback on what you would like to see in a web developer application, that other applications dont. Iam asking you this because i could just develop a web developer application on what i think i could use to develop a website.Except it proallby will be only good for me , and maybe a few other people lol.But i want other developer's thoughts on what they want in a web developer application.

P.S. Sorry if this is posted in the wrong thread.

what are you looking to implement? Just HTML and CSS. Or other web related languages i.e. javascript, php, even asp and .net?

iam going to implement html,css,js,jsp,php,cfm,asp,asp.net

iam going to implement html,css,js,jsp,php,cfm,asp,asp.net

so not alot then lmfao.


- sensible formatting options i.e. reformat code (to indent correctly)
- export code function (remove whitespace)
- if your gonna check for syntax allow different doc types i.e. html strict/transitional
- maybe implement syntax for mobile only websites?

so not alot then lmfao.


what other languages are there lol that's all i could think of.i really dont want cgi its old and out of date i think.correct me if iam wrong.

- export code function (remove whitespace)

what exactly do you mean?

lol i think you misunderstood me

what other languages are there lol that's all i could think of.i really dont want cgi its old and out of date i think.correct me if iam wrong.

the ones you stated will if you look to implement them correctly be ALOT of work just keep that in mind. perhaps start with a basic design and implement just html first. to do it well there will be alot to go into it.

- export code function (remove whitespace)

as a web designer if youve ever used w3c web tool for removing whitespace. it is key as it can reduce file size and speed up pages.
yet ive never seen something similiar implemented into a designer. reformatting is usually there but not remove whitespace.

you dont seem to be getting many responses here so perhaps spread your message around the other boards targeting that specific audience

alright thanks for all you input

why not c# acting as cgi? I appreciate a tool that works and deal with really ugly code, a perfect one :)

why not c# acting as cgi? I appreciate a tool that works and deal with really ugly code, a perfect one :)

sounds really neat,ill try to implment that in my app.

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