Hi guys,

I recently installed "Avast Home Edition" downloaded from Cnet to check my computer for any virus', etc. Once installed, it asked me to restart my computer, and when it came to the Windows XP loading screen (black screen with windows xp logo and blue movement loading bar), it froze and wouldn't budge. I have restart and switched off my computer numerous times (safe and normal modes) with the same result happeneing. The screen just freezes at the XP page after the blue loading bar moves for about 10 seconds.

Does anyone know anything that i would be able to try? Anyone had this same situation happen to them? Its driving me nuts ad i need to access my computer... :'(

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Avast downloaded from:


get your data and reinstall.

dude reinstall ur windows or either press F8 continuously and clcik for safe mode and then restart ur system and still it doesnt workout format ur c:\ drive and install the windows again :)!!!

The same problem happens in safe/normal/last setting modes... :(

If you were to format the C;, how would you save all your data thats on there (since i can't access and burn it the conventional way)?

use a linux live cd.

or either u can do one thing get another harddisk make it a primary and the one u r having problem make it the secondary and then try geting ur data back ... :)

The best thing to do is put in your XP install disk and run up to where it asks you where windows is installed once it finds the partition it will ask if you want to run a repair by pressing R, press R and all your system files will be installed without losing your existing data or use recovery console from the XP disk and go to the Avast directory and delete the entire program, try to reboot if it does ok then get a registry cleaner and get rid of all traces of the program and install AVG 7.5 Free edition, Good Luck.

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