Ive been using Access 2003 to build various databases on. These databaces however are effectively full products for certain functions. Eg of what I mean: I am busy building a database for a panelbeater. The system is able to capture client details, capture quotations, create invoices, control appoiontments, control processes of the bussiness and print reports of the above/invoices/quotes etc. Basically it is the 1 database/program that controls the entire company.
My question lises here. This system is built through Access 2003 and VB6.0, and can only open through Access. Are there any limitations in the legal sence and also my perspective of the "software"
I consider the system as a "software" app because of the way it has been designed, looks and functions. But is it really? Or is it the same thing as a database of telephone numbers?
Also I have sold and plan to sell the software commercially. If the buyer has an original copy of Access on their computer, or i supply them with one, is it illegal/in violation of any conditions of Microsoft/Access for me to sell the product i have developed?
And another question, my last: Can I develop the system in Access or a simullar app and then break away from the platform? (For eg compliling a Turbo Pascal 7 program into an .exe that would run independantly of TP7) And how/where can i do/buy/download it?
Your assistance will be appreciated.