
I have knowledge in both VB.NET and C++.
What I can do in C++ is mostly console apps that are made from scratch.
What I know in VB.NET is using the Visual 2005 express edition to make a simple game.

I'm planning on starting making a big but still simple game.
A 2D, 3 dimensional-array game.

When I create a new project (windows form app) in C++ express edition 2005,
I get a lot of extra files and they confuse the hell out of me.
Also all that code which is already in the "form1".

In Visual basic express edition when I create a forms application I only get one file. The "form1" and there is only 2 lines of code in it.

I can use Visual Basic 2005 Express edition so much easier and without any confusion at all.
Although C++ Visual 2005 Express edition makes me confused about all the premade files and code already made for me.

But, Without the use of these Visual express editions. I can code a lot better in C++ than I can in Visual Basic.
But that's only console applications.

I've heard a lot about the limitations of VB but no one ever mentioned what they are.
Could you point out some things that the limits of VB doesn't allow?

I would be grateful for any suggestions on what I should use for creating the game.
Maybe it's possible to use both languages for different parts of the game?
In that case. What parts should I use what language for?

>In Visual basic express edition when I create a forms application I only get one file.
That's because the IDE is hiding the rest of the files from you. There's a button on the solution explorer that disables hiding files.

>I've heard a lot about the limitations of VB but no one ever mentioned what they are.
That's because the limitations of VB were in older versions. VB.NET is very powerful.

>What parts should I use what language for?
A common choice is C++ for the internals, VB for the interface.

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