Hi I'm using visual c++ express since yesterday and I have an error that visual c++ 6.0 didn't detect :p
I think it can be some program configuration... :o

1>------ Rebuild All started: Project: IUCUNN, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'IUCUNN', configuration 'Debug|Win32'
1>Generating Code...
1>Compiling manifest to resources...
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'odbc32.lib'
1>Build log was saved at "file://d:\2ª parte\IUCUNN_09_mar__\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
1>IUCUNN - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
========== Rebuild All: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

Can you help me?


Can anyone help me?

1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'odbc32.lib'

This means that the linker cant find this library file. Set the library files path of Visual studio to the folder that this is in. Most probably that folder will be the Lib directory of the Platform SDK installation.

And you will probably also have to download the Windows SDK free from Microsoft.

That will not be the only porting problem. VC++ 2005 Express is a lot more c++ IOS standards compliant than VC++ 6.0, so that will be a little bit of recoding required.

And you will probably also have to download the Windows SDK free from Microsoft.

As he says that it worked with Visual Studio 6.0, most probably some form of that file should be in his computer already. Good to have the latest version of the PSDK though. Especially with the brand new compiler. :D

As he says that it worked with Visual Studio 6.0, most probably some form of that file should be in his computer already. Good to have the latest version of the PSDK though. Especially with the brand new compiler. :D

Visual Studio 6.0 is shipped with those dlls -- he doesn't need the Windows SDK for that.

he does need the PSDK, as the versions shipped with VC6 are so far outdated that VC2005 will not work with them.
VC2005 requires the latest version of the PSDK.

I would personally Do a Search of your C Drive or
the Drive where you Keep your C compiler and look
for the LIB file.
If it's not there see if you Down Load it from
F:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\vc\bin>
Mine is on my F drive because my C drive is kind
of Full!
Check vc\lib or vc\include directories.
It will be probably be here or there?
I have it in MASM32 or have it in the Microsoft SDK and
the C++ 2005 Package.
Which one is the right one, I don't know.
But MASM32 Assembler package is a free download and
about ten meg if my memory is still right. they even have a
linker that Microsoft doesn't want any more.

he does need the PSDK, as the versions shipped with VC6 are so far outdated that VC2005 will not work with them.
VC2005 requires the latest version of the PSDK.

I meant he doesn't need the psdk with VC++ 6.0 but he does need it with VC++ 2005 express.

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