I have been having a problem with this message popping up ever time I log onto the web.

I was using IE6 and updated to IE7 a week ago. I have run all of my virus software: AVG7 Pro, Ad-Aware, SpybotSD, RegistrySmart and AdwareAlert and tried a system restore to no avail.

This is an error log I found on my computer, but I do not understand a great deal about how to fix this problem.

CurrentTime: 16/08/2007 6:48 AM
Exception Info: Code=c0000005 Flags=0 Address=840858c
Exception Param: 0 c8

16/08/2007 6:48 AM - - http://trials.adobe.com/Applications/AfterEffects/CS3/Win/ADBEAFETCS3_ALP.exe
16/08/2007 6:47 AM - - http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/tdrc/index.cfm?product=after_effects
16/08/2007 6:47 AM - - http://www.adobe.com/go/tryaftereffects
16/08/2007 6:47 AM - - http://www.adobe.com/products/creativesuite/mastercollection/trial
16/08/2007 6:47 AM - - http://www.adobe.com/go/trymastercollection
16/08/2007 6:47 AM - - http://trials.adobe.com/Applications/DreamweaverDEVTB/Win/ADBEADDT_WWE.exe
16/08/2007 6:46 AM - - http://trials.adobe.com/Applications/Fireworks/CS3/Win/ADBEFWKSCS3_WWE.exe
16/08/2007 6:40 AM - - http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/tdrc/index.cfm?product=dreamweaver
16/08/2007 6:40 AM - - https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/tdrc/index.cfm?product=dreamweaver
16/08/2007 6:39 AM - - http://trials.adobe.com/Applications/FlashPro/CS3/Win/ADBEFLPRCS3_WWE.exe

Can anyone advise on how to fix this error?

what were you doing when IE crash.

This error pop up when I log onto my home page (within a minute or 2) or sometime later when I link to any other page. Also when I search on goggle and click on a search link, IE will take me to a totally different site. I can continue to use IE as long as I do not click on the close button in the error message box.

Have you tried to do a system restore?? (Might help)

Welcome to Daniweb!

I Have tried a system restore to no avail.
Thank you

As soon as I got IE7 my computer went downhill, I had to re install widows I dont know what went wronng but I had virus after virus and My uncle upgraded to IE7 and his computer crashed so we both use firefox now much faster & safer than anything microsoft can make


I have seen issues like that with Internet explorer.
One of the computers where i work would no longer even open Internet Explorer, and it is an important component because we use Outlook web Access.

I went and installed firefox and now use that, Problem Solved.
Not only does firefox crash less it is also W3C compliant, meaning it renders web pages correctly.

Good luck with your problem

I have seen issues like that with Internet explorer.
One of the computers where i work would no longer even open Internet Explorer, and it is an important component because we use Outlook web Access.

I went and installed firefox and now use that, Problem Solved.
Not only does firefox crash less it is also W3C compliant, meaning it renders web pages correctly.

Good luck with your problem

Thank you! I ended up resetting it and losing all my settings and starting over. I am going to try Mozilla as soon as I get a chance.

Thanks for your reply!!


I had that problem as well and even uninstalled IE and reinstalled and it did not help! I finally figured out at least part of the problem was due to Net Zero (thankfully I have broadband now!) and I think Windows 2000 had some issues as well with IE (don't ask me why).

see if u can turn off all the addins for IE, this some times happen when it try to load the addins,

I use firefox 2.0. It's safer and easier to use then IE6 or IE7. You can also download all kinds of free software for it that emulates the functions of IE6. IE7 is kinda like Vista, it sucks until they get all the bugs worked out. Till then brave souls such as yourselves get stuck with it. You could always remove it and roll back to the previous version though if you just don't like firefox.

Also I don't like waiting for the anti-phishing filter in IE7(I realize you can turn it off) and I think it's a waste if you use common sense, like actually looking at the site address, especially if it's your bank! lol

Hey, please let us know what operating system you are using.

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