any of u guys hav any gud ebook for C/C++...with lots of programming examples...

jbennet commented: innapropriate title for thread, read the rules -4

Since your writing skills are so poor, I'm not sure you'll be able to read any of the "gud" ebooks. But on the assumption that you're simply lazy rather than stupid, try this one.

Also, there's no such language as C/C++. There's C and there's C++, but no C/C++.

offcourse i meant C or C++.....

Of course? You could also mean C and C++, or C xor C++, but unless you include that critical conjunction instead of assuming that / means to us what it means to you, there will be misunderstandings. Despite the obviousness of C/C++ to you, most people use it to mean some bastardization of C and C++ that's neither language and contains subtle problems that one could easily avoid by realizing that C++ isn't C with some object oriented features tacked on.

evn if i meant c and c++..ther was a possible answer....lolz....
nd,,thers nothin to moan about,,jss chill

>ther was a possible answer....
Why waste my time with a "possible answer" when I could make you be specific and save my effort for an actual answer? :)

>nd,,thers nothin to moan about,,jss chill
First, to chill would mean that I'm somehow bothered, which I'm not. Second, you've just introduced even more for me to complain about with what can only be described as line noise in your post. What in the world makes you think that "nd" is a reasonable contraction of "and"? Two commas makes no sense at all, and "jss" isn't even remotely related to "just". If you want to learn C or C++, you need to learn to follow rules and have an eye for detail.

This is your post, corrected:

Even if I meant C and C++, there was a possible answer.
Besides, there's nothing to moan about. Just chill.

And don't get me started on "lolz". :icon_rolleyes:

I'm not doing this for fun[1], by the way. Many of our members aren't native English speakers and won't be able to make the connection when you butcher the language. Sure, it might make sense to you, but you're not the one who needs to comprehend your posts. If you make your posts hard to understand, you'll get less help. That's common sense.

[1] I also do it for fun.

commented: well said +21

"got your point"

I have years of computer repair resources that I would like to be able to organize. I simply want to search for problem x and have the program provide me with any related web links, programs and text I have used in the past to solve problem x.

commented: not related to this thread -4

First, to chill would mean that I'm somehow bothered, which I'm not. Second, you've just introduced even more for me to complain about with what can only be described as line noise in your post. What in the world makes you think that "nd" is a reasonable contraction of "and"? Two commas makes no sense at all, and "jss" isn't even remotely related to "just". If you want to learn C or C++, you need to learn to follow rules and have an eye for detail.

commented: If the best you can do is simply copy/paste other replies, don't bother. -2

Oh my god, Narue you are so funny. Seriously though, please use proper English. Im a native speaker and I cant undrestand what the OP meant.

Try this, i just found out about it :

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