My computer had an issue which I think I fixed (well maybe not) but since then, I have noticed that some web sites do not show up complete on my computer. Words are missing or graphics that should be there (not adds, graphics) and just general slowness all around.
Anyone heard of something like this before?
Thanks in advance.

What was the issue, and how did you fix it?
This sounds like a spyware/virus issue-do you have updated programs, and have you run a complete scan?

I had a virus which I got rid of. I just bough Norton 360 and it started after I installed that. It took 3 times to get it installed right, but it is working now. All updates are done on it and windows. I am running XP home.

I am not a Norton fan, and you can read about some of the problems with this software here:
"Major bugs in the software have also been reported".
Try this:
Download AVG Free
Download Windows Defender:
Uninstall Norton and install these two programs.
I keep Spybot S & D handy for the occasional scan, but I believe these two programs are all that most of us need.

Uninstall Norton

My computer had an issue which I think I fixed (well maybe not) but since then, I have noticed that some web sites do not show up complete on my computer. Words are missing or graphics that should be there (not adds, graphics) and just general slowness all around.
Anyone heard of something like this before?
Thanks in advance.

My suggestion would be that you need to reformat your hard drive and reinstall Windows. Even if you don't have a virus, your computer can still get slowed down from fragmented files, temporary files, etc. (and they can't all be cleaned out easily)

you should have taken the hint and not install the program after the second foilup, norton programs are always hogs on system resources. as for the web pages not loading, norton is blocking certain type of programs on the web browser. on one of these sites ad it as a trusted site in norton and see if the same thing happens.

My advice to you is to download firefox and it's updates. There are many plug ins to download and install. You can make it work with all the same programs as IE. Oh and don't use IE 7. Lets see what else, AVG free is a good thing, AdAware is another good one to have. Spybot is in a class all it's own. Disable window's firewall before installing AVG and make sure you look into actually buying a good firewall program(there are to many to list).

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