when i try to wach dvd or any movies it shuts down and reboots. please help! i thought it might be a bad hard drive so i replaced it with a brand new one but same result? I'm lost!!

Not enough to go on. Prolly a graphics driver problem but we need to know all about your PC and the software you are trying to run.

I'm using window xp and window media to play dvd.

I try using limewire and same result flickers and shuts down.

Take a look at Control Panel/AdminTools/Event viewer for System or App errors that occur at the time of the reboot and tell us what shows up.
Did you really replace the HD, or just the DVD?

could also be memory or overheating problems. Does the reboot occur immediately you start playing movie or dvd?

Couldn't it also be the power supply? Although it might do it more often...

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