New Vonage app provides free calls using Facebook

Updated Emily Banks 0 Tallied Votes 453 Views Share

Vonage, the voice over broadband service provider, announced today the release of its new mobile app that provides free calls from mobile phones to other Facebook users with the same application.

The new app, called Vonage Talk Free, marks the beginning of the company's attempt to reach a broader, and likely younger audience. The idea really is ingenious, bringing new customers into the Vonage VoIP system without setting up a new account or purchasing a new device. For the most part it works with the infrastructure already in place.

"The Vonage Mobile app for Facebook is a tangible example of our commitment to deliver extraordinary value and a better communications experience for individuals and their social networks, across broadband-enabled devices, around the world," said Marc Lefar, Chief Executive Officer of Vonage Holdings Corp in a statement today. "This is just the start. In the future we will expand on this service to include a wide range of integrated voice and messaging services that change the way people communicate."

The app is free to download and free to use and works on most Wi-Fi and 3G/4G networks in the world, according to the company. So far the app is available on the iPhone, iPod Touch and Android phones.

There's also no need to remember screen names or phone numbers with the app, according to the press release. The app utilizes users' existing network of friends and calls are placed with a single touch.

The app can be purchased through the Android Market and in the App Store, as well as through Vonage's Facebook page and at .

Member Avatar for LastMitch

New Vonage app provides free calls using Facebook

I did try that before I close my Facebook account. Not bad. I like the app. Nice article.

halenmartinez 0 Junior Poster in Training

nice app, i all ready using this.

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