Mr and Mrs Boring sue Google

newsguy 0 Tallied Votes 336 Views Share

It would appear that Google is being sued by the owners of a house in the Franklin Park suburb of Pittsburgh because the search giants photographed the property and included it in the Google Maps street view feature.

Why anyone would want to take an interest in the boring house, yes according to the reports the couple who have sued are called Aaron and Christine Boring, is beyond me. It pretty much lives up to the boring tag. However, the complaint states that "a major component of their purchase decision was a desire for privacy" and it is that privacy which has been violated according to the Borings, along with a devaluation of the property. I am not 100 percent sure how it is devalued, but there you go. They do have a point regarding privacy though, as it would appear the Google snappers had to drive up a driveway clearly marked as private in order to take the photographs.

Of course, the real irony is that no court case was required as Google will happily remove photographs upon the request of the proven owner whereas now that the litigation has attracted publicity there are photos of the house popping up all over the web. Not least the Allegheny County real estate site which reveals information about most every property in the county, including photos. In the case of the Boring house, it tells us how much the couple paid for it, the size of the house and the land attached, how many rooms it has and so on.

Google Street viewers wanting to find something more interesting, such as a headless man and a giant pumpkin, should look no further that the Top 15 Google Street View Sightings page however…

jwenting 1,905 duckman Team Colleague

it's about time someone did something about Google's ever more intrusive spying into peoples' lives.
And these people probably took that into consideration when they decided to challenge Google's business practice of not asking permission before publishing things they have no right to publish without permission.

Google did the same (or planned to) with their "Google library" where they were to publish the content of entire books online unless the author told them not to afterwards, in the full knowledge that doing so is a breach of copyright law.
But Google thought they could get away with it because they're so powerful, so they don't care about the law.

Of course as soon as someone does something Google doesn't like, they're onto them like a ton of bricks.

Mapper99 0 Light Poster

It's a good thing they weren't skinny dipping in their pool like some of these other unfortunate Google Street View victims:

Drezta 0 Newbie Poster

yay go big cousin (not BB because BB is the state...)
it is a problem with all organisations when they get to a certain size but did the Borings not realise that by complaining loudly the internet people would just do the opposite...

>shadow< 11 Posting Pro

yeah well its not like google cant afford another lawsuit

jbennet 1,618 Most Valuable Poster Team Colleague Featured Poster

fuck off (test for danis new lang filter)

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