Please help me. I'm completely stumped. As of yesterday, AdWords just completely stopped working for me. Ads just completely stopped showing up. It is as if my campaign is paused, but it isn't.

The campaign shows up as active. I have a pretty large budget. The ads are set to still show. They are set to show in the search and content network. Languages and locations are chosen. All ad groups are active. They have a Max CPC set. The CTR isn't that low. There is no message saying that my ads have been slowed due to low CTR. My credit card information is correct and not maxed out. I have a $0 outstanding balance.

But they just aren't showing! I'm completely stumped. I tried contacting Google but apparently there is no way for me to reach them until Monday. Does anyone have any ideas?

Who knows!! Probably a glitch

I'm sorry for not updating this thread when I found my solution. Unfortunately, my ads were down allll weekend long. When I finally got in touch with Google via phone on Monday, I found out what the problem was. Apparently G has some sorta "safety" in place where if you deliver too many impressions in too short a time, your ads are temporarily taken down for review. Usually they are only taken down for a very short time. But it just so happened that mine were taken down late Friday and therefore didn't go through their review until Monday morning. :( Darn google!

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