i wanna start programming with c++ what would you guys suggest is the best compiler program out at the mo? :twisted:

The best is the one that works best for your needs. Try out several, there are quite a few free ones you can use to get a feel for what features you want.

I hes Dev-C++ but im not that great with C++

i wanna start programming with c++ what would you guys suggest is the best compiler program out at the mo? :twisted:

If your just starting any basic/free C++ compiler should work for learning the basics. Personally I wouldnt worry about getting a fancy compiler untill you can effeciently create a small program, say, a dos-looking calculator that takes two numbers and a manipulator and spits out the answer.

Thats just my .019 cents

I too am just getting started in C++, I've found the Dev-C++ to be a good free compiler. I just started using it and I've been given support on any issues I had thus far. I was surprised at what they offered for a free compiler.

Download the latest version of Dev-C++

This is the bloodshed development group, so this compiler is often mistakenly called the Boodshed compiler. Actually what you get is a great IDE using the GNU set of compilers. I like to use it! It's pretty generic. The help file isn't so great, so I use the one from Borland C++.

For a free C++ compiler I suggest the Visual Stuido's 2005 Demo.net found at microsoft. However, projects from previous versions (years) will not work I don't believe. I use both VS.net 2003 and 2005 and personaly like 2003 better (of course 2005 is a demo/beta version).

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