You may have heard that search engines allow you to submit your website to them. That might sound like a great idea but it is actually a bad idea. Why? Because submitting to search engines means that eventually the search engines will visit your website and their is no promise they will even include it in their index and doubtful you will ever rank well.

The alternative to submitting your site to search engines is developing inbound links from external websites. When the search engines visit those websites they will follow the links leading to your site (which is what they have stated many times how they prefer to discover new content). This process will make sure your content is indexed and most importantly that you have a good chance to rank in the search engines since ranking is based mostly on the quantity and quality of links.

Submitting to search engines is simply no longer needed. What is needed is link development and link development will do the same thing as submitting your site and a whole lot more.

There is one exception to this rule. If you have had your website significantly penalized or banned, then you should submit a re-inclusion request. This is how you say sorry, I stopped doing what the search engines don't like and I promise to never break the rules again. Based on how believable your re-inclusion request is, will determine if the search engines unban you.

Dani commented: Thanks for posting this +32
Nichetraffic commented: Very old news dressed as new +0

Just one point of clarification: You should sign up with Google Webmaster Tools (Yahoo! also has its own equivalent as well, as does MSN, but I only care about Google personally). If you're banned from Google, reinclusion requests are often processed quickly if you use their Reinclusion Request form while logged in.

I've received responses within a week when doing it that way. In any case, Google Webmaster Tools is a must have.

I don't think it hurts to submit anyway (once, not repeatedly). No one knows for sure except Google and they're not telling. What is the purpose of the SEs providing an opportunity to submit your site if they don't want to find content that way?

Bots will crawl your site even if you didn't submit it to SE's. Instead of wasting my time to submit my site in SE, I will submit it to directories.

There are only a few search engines that account for the vast majority of all web searches and they all will find, crawl and rank your web pages provided that somewhere else on the Internet exists a link to your stuff.

It may not be strictly necessary the the original poster is simply wrong that it will hurt. That's nonsense. Every little bit helps.

You may have heard that search engines allow you to submit your website to them. That might sound like a great idea but it is actually a bad idea. Why? Because submitting to search engines means that eventually the search engines will visit your website and their is no promise they will even include it in their index and doubtful you will ever rank well.

The alternative to submitting your site to search engines is developing inbound links from external websites. When the search engines visit those websites they will follow the links leading to your site (which is what they have stated many times how they prefer to discover new content). This process will make sure your content is indexed and most importantly that you have a good chance to rank in the search engines since ranking is based mostly on the quantity and quality of links.

Submitting to search engines is simply no longer needed. What is needed is link development and link development will do the same thing as submitting your site and a whole lot more.

There is one exception to this rule. If you have had your website significantly penalized or banned, then you should submit a re-inclusion request. This is how you say sorry, I stopped doing what the search engines don't like and I promise to never break the rules again. Based on how believable your re-inclusion request is, will determine if the search engines unban you.

I still would go for submission to search engines. I have this site, type its domain name and google did not list it in serp. after i have submitted the url, i found my site in serp.

It may not be strictly necessary the the original poster is simply wrong that it will hurt. That's nonsense. Every little bit helps.

Yeah, it will not hurt your site. But instead he submit his site to SE's, submit it to directories.

Get your site submitted to Google, forget other search engines. Google's gradually phasing out other engines, except yahoo.

Yes is true. If you get a couple of very good do follow backlinks is guaranteed that you will be listed in matter of a couple of days if not hours.

I would suggest that you don't do that. Submitting to directories actually penalize your rankings as most are just links without content. Google Webmaster guidelines mentioned that a page should not have more than 100 links.

i'm assuming there's other ways to beef up your rankings on the search engines. how much should a company look to pay for a company that claims they can get our ratings higher? ? ?

I am not getting you clearly . Without submitting to SE, we submit in dofollow directors means we get our site indexed.

Submit sitemap to google webmaster and see your site results.

Lopez Obrador

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