Hi Webmaster

My website is gmb.in.

My Website This Time Good Rank in Google but Keyword position is Daily Chang Not Any keyword Stop His position Like Today Murti keyword is 3 position and Tomorrow 10 Position, So I'm not Understand What's Problem.


Algorithms of the search engines constantly change. Therefore, placement may be affected. It is best to keep working on it to improve the ranking again.

We actively manage search engine marketing campaigns for many small businesses. In our experience of search engine marketing and performance measuring we have observed that website rank ons each engines especially Google fluctuates a lot. Ranking for our website goes up and down for keywords. mostly such fluctuations in websites ran for a particular keyword is within reason i.e. we sometimes find that our own website fluctuates form page 1 to page 3 rank for 'Web design company'. In most other cases as well fluctuations are minor i.e. one page up or down. In some extreme cases we do find rank or a keyword move up or down by 7 or 8 pages in Google. But mostly its only a page or 2 up or down. From what I gather this is a common issue. Remember that Google's search algorithms change frequently. The second factor is that you competitor websites also constantly work on optimizing their websites so new websites appear form time to time. This can displace existing rank for websites. The third reason is that you must be undertaking website optimization for your own website. This can have an impact on your search engine ranking.
Visit search engine marketing blog for similar tips and articles.

Pages change their positions is SERP because everyday thousands of pages are created and the index gets rearranged.

recently google has updating so it will be steady after some time. Keep working on it.

The two important things in optimization is on-page and off-page... Are you doing something to improve your ranking like directory submissions, link building, etc... ? You see, just like what the others commented "new sites/pages are created everyday or your competitors are also optimizing..." So keep on building links, do the SEO thing... :)

Everyone is constantly trying to improve their site, so if you stop trying you will lag behind.

Another thing to consider is the quality of the keywords you are competing for. Anyone can get in the top 10 for obscure words.

It's true, in order to stay on top you have to constantly changed your pages. If not you will fall off the 1st page of the serp's.

Pages change their positions is SERP because everyday thousands of pages are created and the index gets rearranged.

This is not the valid reason...if new site is created..it will never affect top 10 in serp....

The flactuation is almost due to old sites only,...and search engines are changing there algorithm.......as all know...google is now started flash indexing.....

i have a live example for it....

our website have 4 pr and a old site.

we uploaded new pages and they comes in top 10 for the keyword that we targeted....

the thingh is this if your website pr is more then 5 and if you will publish a new page of your services or some thingh else with proper title and meta tags...your page will comes in top 10 when it will indexed.

but after some time you will see the fluctuation in the ranking...for that you have to do on page and off page optimization....to remail in top 10....

i think this will help you.....

This is not the valid reason...if new site is created..it will never affect top 10 in serp....

It's valid.

You're basically saying that Google ignores new sites ? :D

If Google only indexes old sites, the Google index would be a constant number.

It's valid.

You're basically saying that Google ignores new sites ? :D

If Google only indexes old sites, the Google index would be a constant number.

you are not able to understand .......

New site will not effect SERP top 10 results.......

New sites won't affect top 10 for some time. After that time there will be a rearrangement

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