Hey, Guys, I have a question here, few days ago I have submitted my site to 1000+dircetories by hand, as month passed and I still found many of them were still pending, Can some one with many experiences with this tell me how long it will take to approve your link after your submission? SAME question here for article submission here, waster lots of your times but get little result.

Is there any good way to do this more better or show me your best?

If you submit it free, Most of them takes 2-3 months to accept your site, some would not consider your site at all..

for free submission its take time. You go on adding more directory its helpful to your site.... and also do article submission, keyword submission to your site

I think directory submissions are pointless, why give any weight in terms of SEO to something like directory submissions sure they where popular about 4 years ago but things have changed half of them don't get cached or crawled, most break Google's TOS a with adwords plastered everywhere. Just to name a few.

Just what I think anyway...

Directory submission gives you faster indexing but search engines. Most of them use nofollow attribute, so you won't get any link juice. Usually it takes 2-3 months for a free submission, but there are such directories to post your link within 1 week.

Many of the 0PR directories will approve you submission within 2-4 days. But, PR1 and above directories don't because may be they wait for a backlinks or they will find any problem with your site.

It's depend on from directory to directory. Sometime is very useful if you read carefully their submission policy. There are many directories which are accept your link quickly only if it is paid or provide a back link.

Its depends on the directory, but in Solicitations & Announcements section of some forums, webmasters announce directories that approves all moat immediately or faster approval. What is more important is that you choose the right category and you read the guide lines before submitting your site.

it depends on the quantity of submitions that the directory getting and the quality of the directory, as in DMOZ it may take more than 6 to 8 months to approve.....

The directories owners generally mention the time required for review of a website for inclusion.

Most of them approve or deny your listing in 2 to 5 days. And there are some directories which say for free link it would take around 30 to 45 days and if you give them a reciprocal link they would approve your link within two days.

Directory submission, these days, is not as effective as it used to be.

directory submission nowadays are only used as a backlink. only 1% traffic comes from it and lots of time is wasted behind that.

Thanks for all your sharing. I am sure I did the right category and agreed with the guidence. Some of the high pr directories approved my links and some didn't. Also interesting, most of low pr sites show my site is also pending, without giving any reason, at least infrom me my site did not abey the rules or something, proving some of them had reviewed my site. I just wonder if all this un response site have webmaster or not? Do you have any experience for this? any way, thanks for all the posts here, it's really a good forum.

Or, someone can show me your best way of adding links, that will be highly appreciated. Do not give me others' posts, just tell me your real experience for this, perhaps some forum signature very usful or something like that, thanks.

Just remember one thing while submission don't stuff keywords in your title and description. Keep it simple and clean. Avoid Capital letters in your title and put the main targeted keywords in the meta keywords field that are available in your meta tags.

What do you mean that a few days ago you submitted your site to 1000+ directories by hand? In a single day you visited 1000 directories and filled out 1000 submission forms manually?

The directories owners generally mention the time required for review of a website for inclusion.

I agree here, but some directories will tell you your site will be reviewed approximately in a month for example and actually you can wait 4 months for it, so you can;t really know in 100%... ;/

of course CSCGAL, I just used the auto-formfiling software to submit my site to the directories. E.g, roboform, this is very useful and don't you believe I can do it in few days to 1000+ ?

Hey, Guys, I have a question here, few days ago I have submitted my site to 1000+dircetories by hand, as month passed and I still found many of them were still pending, Can some one with many experiences with this tell me how long it will take to approve your link after your submission? SAME question here for article submission here, waster lots of your times but get little result.

Is there any good way to do this more better or show me your best?

It depends on the directory. Some directories will approved your submission immediately, some are requiring for a week, a month or even a year. Some directories also approve your site if it is more than 5 pages. Newly launched site is often rejected especially if it's less than 5 pages.

This is depend on Several Points:

1. Directory Resources ...From where you got that data.. I think Directory critic has a nice directory resources.
2. which kind of submission you made??
Usually free submission took more time to approved in comparison to the paid one.
3. What is condition of you site.. if it contains some adult or offensive material then obviously your listing will not approve.
4. pr and online status of you site.. I have monitor that site which have fair pr (say more to 4 ) would get quick and easily approavel.

I have collect some private data which will provide at least 60% approval within 2 to 3 week?

Hope you will find your answer.

it depends, on owner of directory, and also depends on your content of submission, and i can be take 1 minutes, 1 hours, 1 days or 1 months, or owner can also be rejected.

<snip fake signature>

ArvindSharma , really thanks for your help. 1.just got so many directories lists on line.

2. free submission, do not think about paid ones.
3.just a ordinary business site, not any adult content. 4. pr is 2

Would you mind sharing with us your collect data dear, if yes pls pm me or send to daniel160wong@126.com thanks.

sure i will ..

dnt worry as I have random data so you have to arranged it accroding to the pr

The approval time of most directories takes a week to 4 months. If you want to get approved immediately, be ready to pay for it.

i am not sure it is useful or not
try to build links in forums
do-follow blog

Many free directories take long time to approve or reject links, whereas most pay-for-review directories approve or reject links within 24 or 48 hours of submission. Free directories get overwhelmed with submissions. Imagine when a single directory gets over 50 submissions a day and the editors have to work several hours everyday to review links they are not paid to review. So, they do it only when they have spare time.

Many free directories are set up as something on the side. The owners have to devote their time on their main businesses that fetch them money. If you cannot pay for review, you need to have the patience to wait. The saying, "you get what you pay for" comes into play here.

Another thing is to look at the pending links before submitting. This is assuming the directory in question has site statistics. This will help you to calculate how long approximately you have to wait. It is counter-productive to submit your site to a directory that has several thousands of pending links. Such directories are not looked after and probably not well promoted.

As what I have experienced, in my own software, it can be submitted for a maximum of 100 to 150 directories.

But it depend on Directories admin. Generally most of directories taking too much time to approve So just submit you website to 1000s & more directories & waiting for backlinks :)

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