Hi All,

Can anyone explain me, how is RSS Feeds helpful to a website...? What does RSS feed do..? If I create RSS, how will it help me in SEO..? What all do I need to do for creating RSS..?

Can anyone please explain me in detail about RSS or provide me an article about that...??

Thank you all in advance..:?:

I am sure there are many benefits of RSS. If you are a blog owner then having an RSS feed is useful as users will often subscribe to the RSS feed for your artcles using whichever RSS reader they use. Ever since I started my blog on web design and search engine marketing, I have had about 4 or 5 subcriptions to my blog which all came via RSS feeds. The other advanatge of RSS feed if you publish new content regularly is the possibility of syndicating it and offering other websites the opprotunity to use your content on their site. You will get link back to your site for the main article.

and now im going to answer my own thread
i've searched for it hope it will hel you to.

RSS stands for Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication. In essence it is one of the Web Feed Formats. Any Online publisher puts out RSS feed which is read by a RSS feed reader or Aggregator.

With the definitions out of the way, if you have a worthy material available in this format, other sites can publish the feed in their site.

You your site RSS feeds are shown on other websites you get one way links. More over you show as what your site has on other sites as well.

RSS feeds are XML documents that allow your content to be "portable" ... You can create feeds that can be syndicated in RSS readers, mashups, on other sites, etc.

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