hi!!! everybody on every week alexa will be updating rank for website but compete doesnt any change about rank it remains same....so which one is best to see website status and which one is right???

hi!!! everybody on every week alexa will be updating rank for website but compete doesnt any change about rank it remains same....so which one is best to see website status and which one is right???

Well, I never based on them, but total all - both are good.
Compete more into US traffic and Alexa are Global webmasters using their tool.

I don't have faith in either. Alexa can be good for trends within a particular site, but it's horrible for comparing sites ... especially sites in different niches (even within the same industry).

I don't have faith in either. Alexa can be good for trends within a particular site, but it's horrible for comparing sites ... especially sites in different niches (even within the same industry).

does these mean that they have advantage and disadvantage to each other?

Both are crap tools.

Both are crap tools.

how come the are crap tools?can you explain it to me?

hi!!! everybody on every week alexa will be updating rank for website but compete doesnt any change about rank it remains same....so which one is best to see website status and which one is right???

I am a Webmaster from many years and for me Alexa and Compete ranking are not important so much. And I don't have faith in either. For me the main thing (when you make SEO) is to earn more money from Internet and to be in Top 10 for Google.

Neither are great but at least Compete gives you an estimate of monthly uniques...which might be worth something to someone somewhere.

how come the are crap tools?can you explain it to me?

Alexa tool has no good result, it can be manipulated. About compete, less people are using this tool.

Alexa tool has no good result, it can be manipulated. About compete, less people are using this tool.

Compete's numbers are also based on sketchy estimates, or so I hear. Quantcast has the same issue -- too many blind spots. But, there are few better alternatives...

ok thanks to all of your opinion about this

I use Alexa, as it shows you the traffic history of a site and lets you recognize trends easily. That alone is the best reason to have it installed.

Personally. I like and use both often. Compete for overall traffic of competitors. Alexa for traffic ranking, age of domain, and link profile.

then they are not crap at all

Hi just signed up. I would like to share my knowledge with you all.

Both Alexa and Compete have thin data and are not really accurate. You can use them to get rough indications on traffic and keywords, but don't take them literally. In many cases, I've found them to be way off the mark.

If you are looking for which is "better", I'd say compete.com since they at least try to clean their data and normalize to some sense of reality. Even then, their data is so thin that I'm very careful about using it. Alexa is mainly a sample based on their toolbar, and is skewed to the audience that uses it.

If you really want something better, use other tools that have more complete data. For keyword research, the deepest data right now is from Google's keyword tool.

I think Alexa is best because we can check our website performance day by day!

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