I've been looking at the google directory and it appears to be drawn directly from the DMOZ one. I have managed to get one of my sites listed in dmoz, but how frequently is google's version updated? the category I got listed in has 7 items in dmoz, but 4 in google.

in 2003 they updated it only a couple times. for a long part of 2004 they updated it like about once a month.

ok thanks

Hey SEOBook - is there anyway to find out when DMOZ is updated. I submitted my site a while ago and just checked, not in there! So I submitted it again, and read the rules again :-)

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Getting listed into dmoz is not as easy as it is to enter Google or Yahoo's indexes. For those you basically just need a link from an already indexed site, but since the open directory is manually edited, your site will be manually reviewed, and may get rejected. The process of being approved can be very frustrating. It can take months before your site is just reviewed, and that does not mean it will be indexed. This because the number of active editors is much lower than the number stated above, and because of the huge amount of submissions the directory receives. The backlog of sites waiting to be reviewed in some categories is massive.

the regional categories are often easier to get into ;)
plus if you get a friendly editor you might get a link in their bookmarks.
ask nicely tho!

Ok thanks for that. I thought that you get added to the directotry within a matter of weeks, but it can take months for you to get indexed with the engines which use their directory. I have a legitimate site...should be a breeze!:?:

seotie.com also tracks your submissions.

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