Does Google looks at IP address of backlinking sites. Does it matter if all the links to a site come from same IP address.

How much weight is given to this factor in backlinks.

Has there been any official word from Google or matt cutts. If yes, please quote the link.

I think yes, from SEO perspective one should avoid too many links from the same IP and links from bad neighborhood.

I think yes, from SEO perspective one should avoid too many links from the same IP and links from bad neighborhood.

Are you sure about that??? if this is the case then i can out my competitor down easily. isn't it??

I think yes, from SEO perspective one should avoid too many links from the same IP and links from bad neighborhood.

the same IP jsut make it is so so so spammy like

it will not hurt to if you have too many backlinks from the same IP (if it did then your competitors could help you build some links) but it will not help you much either as they will be viewed as spammy and ignored by the search engines.

Agree with haircore... It is not natural for a large percentage of links to come from the same place.

I also think the same it will not hurt.

It won't help you nor will it hurt you if you have a lot of links from the same IP address. Also, I don't think it will hurt you if you have links from bad neighborhood. I think Google is smarter than that. For example I have got one site which I use to write about bad companies and I can see a lot of spammy links from bad sites but it doesn't hurt the rankings of my site, Then again the site has only got around 30 or so reviews.

I think so and i think it is gonan be better if we have a long dedeicatd IP adress
which could help us to build trust and credibility

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