
I will teach you how to create Twitter niche keyword cloud, and some nice Twitter SEO tips.

First of all we should know what the niche we will twit about is. If you are the website owner, figure out your website's keywords, most of them should fit your website niche.

To get more quality followers and friends you should be conscious with your tweets, you can talk around with people, but remember, all your tweets are fetched by RSS readers and search engines,every single tweet is like unique website post. So , every time you tweet or answer other tweet, make sure you are using at least one of your website or business keywords. It's hard, I know but you can do it once per 3-4 tweets. Don't forget about it.

Find twitter users with lots of followers, retweet them and talk about them, most of them will talk about you too , check out what niche they use to get more followers and if this niche is good for your twitter timeline.

I hope this post will help to get more followers, if you have any other methods , or if you want me to share more, post it here.

Have a happy tweet day !!



One question though, is there a way to drop links in tweets?

I've found that keywords into your tweets helps significantly in people finding you. Usually if I dropped a note about doing 'waterjet cutting in minnesota', I would sometimes find followers from Minnesota or the industrial industry. It worked like a charm.

Other times I post links to different portions of our website (art, retail, defense) and then look for people who would be interested in those links. That way, when they see I'm following them and take a look to see who i am, those links will be the very top and there's a better chance that we have a lot in common.


One question though, is there a way to drop links in tweets?

Do you mean drop links from tweets when you RT them, or drop links into your tweets when you post?

Do you mean drop links from tweets when you RT them, or drop links into your tweets when you post?

I mean that if I'm sending a tweet about something and I want to follow it up with a URL for further consideration can I place the link in my tweet?


I will teach you how to create Twitter niche keyword cloud, and some nice Twitter SEO tips.

First of all we should know what the niche we will twit about is. If you are the website owner, figure out your website's keywords, most of them should fit your website niche.

To get more quality followers and friends you should be conscious with your tweets, you can talk around with people, but remember, all your tweets are fetched by RSS readers and search engines,every single tweet is like unique website post. So , every time you tweet or answer other tweet, make sure you are using at least one of your website or business keywords. It's hard, I know but you can do it once per 3-4 tweets. Don't forget about it.

Find twitter users with lots of followers, retweet them and talk about them, most of them will talk about you too , check out what niche they use to get more followers and if this niche is good for your twitter timeline.

I hope this post will help to get more followers, if you have any other methods , or if you want me to share more, post it here.

Have a happy tweet day !!


My preference is to pay someone to get me mass followers so I don't have to do it.

Nice information thanks a lot

maybe its not the best practice but it works:

Write a list of tips, interesting news, how to, and mix them with ads with links that poin to your site.

Write a twitter bot on php or in some other language and make it send a tweet every hour. In this way you will get many followers and good traffic to your site.

BUT because of the fact that 140 chars are too little in order to explain that the site is about, many irrelevant traffic will come.This means that you will probably have an increase on the bounce rate.

commented: Using a bot isn't right! +0

maybe its not the best practice but it works:

Write a list of tips, interesting news, how to, and mix them with ads with links that poin to your site.

Write a twitter bot on php or in some other language and make it send a tweet every hour. In this way you will get many followers and good traffic to your site.

BUT because of the fact that 140 chars are too little in order to explain that the site is about, many irrelevant traffic will come.This means that you will probably have an increase on the bounce rate.

Hey that's pretty smart. This type of marketing I would categorize as being more like "social networking" and would not necessarily be considered SEO in the general form; except for it would influence the volume of links to the webpages but basically these links would surface as repetitive with consistent regularity; this could have positive off-site effect but I wouldn't think it of great value in most competitive keyphrase races.

except for it would influence the volume of links to the webpages

naaaah... it will not... unfortunatelly all links are nofollowed.So mostly you affect the traffic.The problem is that this mess ups with the conversion rates, but still it leads some more traffic to your site that might stay.

naaaah... it will not... unfortunatelly all links are nofollowed.So mostly you affect the traffic.The problem is that this mess ups with the conversion rates, but still it leads some more traffic to your site that might stay.

Well thanks for clarifying that for me. I have been going around Twitter trying to figure out what's all the fuss about it. What you said makes sense. I see lots of people offering to show lots of things and it all seems so much like the old spam type of stuff you'd get on your blog comments when that first started or earlier than that the posting on unregulated forums that were made up of a list of keyphrases with a hyperlink.

So the links are of no value whatsoever, SEOwise. That makes sense. Thanks again.

i sign up for one of the twitter follower websites and they get me followers but they spam your twtitter accound with thing like...Earn more followers with bit.ly/xxxxx but it gets you many followers. i get around 10 a day. not too much but it adds up

commented: thats against twitters rules. +0

What's the advantage of getting more followers?

What's the advantage of getting more followers?

I guess it is simply because more followers mean more traffic and maybe more targeted traffic, which may help u with the CTR imo.)

Ok. Let me see if I have this straight. You set the thing up to go on auto-pilot and it spits out 140 chraracter messages at regular intervals. Some of these tweets will have that tiny url thing redirecting to your webpages. People that follow you will see this ad over and over again and sooner or later will visit your web site. Is that about it?

I was under the impression that bots were against the twitter rules. I know for a fact that paying a company to get you followers and that they post get more followers on your account is against twitter rules. CanadaFred I wouldn't use a bot unless you were sure it wasn't against the rules. heres a link to their terms http://twitter.com/tos and if you want you can follow their spam account named spam and other accounts that are official twitter accounts so you know whats going on.

I was under the impression that bots were against the twitter rules. I know for a fact that paying a company to get you followers and that they post get more followers on your account is against twitter rules. CanadaFred I wouldn't use a bot unless you were sure it wasn't against the rules. heres a link to their terms http://twitter.com/tos and if you want you can follow their spam account named spam and other accounts that are official twitter accounts so you know whats going on.

Oh ya, it's spam for sure. I'd hope that I'd never sink so low as to auto-Twitter-spam the universe with my crap. Thanks for your concern though, I am mostly trying to figure out if there's a grey-hat SEO angle to all this tweety trend, because it looks like it which might be around for a while.

Actually, the reason I'm inquiring is that I'll do test searches for example, Canadian SEO expert and I'll find this twitter page with 66 followers, all with the default cross-eyed avitar and all apparently replicated profiles of the same Egyptian guy. The dude's heavily following himself. I am trying to figure out how it makes it into the top 10-12 even though the keyphrase isn't very competitive I still wonder: What makes this twitter page more special than the 400,000 webpages behind it in the ranks. Is it the 66 followers that boosts its position? If any links he spams out are no-followed, what am I missing? Is it the volume or relevancy of followers?

These types of ranking conditions drive me bananas. Anybody know what's going on with this?

Oh ya, it's spam for sure. I'd hope that I'd never sink so low as to auto-Twitter-spam the universe with my crap. Thanks for your concern though, I am mostly trying to figure out if there's a grey-hat SEO angle to all this tweety trend, because it looks like it which might be around for a while.

Your welcome Fred. Here is the grey hat way to tweeting. As the Original Poster stated use keywords than people who are scum of the universe and do use bots to follow you will pick you up just by the words you use!! So heres a simple guide. I have like 5 minutes before college so it isn't in depth
1. use keywords in your 140 character tweets
2. try to tweet on your keyword topic but it's fine to tweet to friends cause you still show up in the live timeline.
3. add links in your tweets to your site or whatever your tweeting about.
4. don't use bots and be choosy of who you follow. Who you are a follower of. If you are a follower of a spammer that doesn't look so good so be careful.
5. try tweeting every few hours or if you don't have that much time a few times a day.
6. have fun oh I'll follow your tweets so just let me know your username :)

commented: hey thanks alot, now I clearly see +4

A good way to build more followers is by including links to your profile in email/forum signatures.

Hey thanks alot tigs. Gave you some reputation points for that one. I don't plan to use this twitter thing as marketing leverage. I just like the way I set up my tweets to shows up on my facebook page and in my blog. It's all like a parallel universe man. It's so groovie.

see ya

commented: Ethical at SEO which I like. +2

very good tips thanks so much guys

commented: Your welcome :) +2

in my opinion , if you follow many people at first, some of the people also will follow you.

I agree that it is okay to include links in RTs provided you ration them to one link every so-many RTs. I would also include keywords in the tweet, and think about adding a hashtag to the keyword.

hey thanks for the information. Twitter is one subject i haven't explored yet, but have heard its a powerful tool to get connected to world. Will try it out.

hey thanks for the information. Twitter is one subject i haven't explored yet, but have heard its a powerful tool to get connected to world. Will try it out.

I am in same boat, missed the ship on that one so I've caught up a bit the last week. They've got these amazing add-on apps, one sends a business card with each tweet, another takes a poll,,, I have my tweets appearing on my Facebook page and in my blog. That's kinda' cool getting a meassage across three ways simultaneously.

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