Many ways of finding do follow backlinks, i will give my tactic of finding do follow backlinks. First of all download the seo link analysis for Mozilla addon.And then activate and go the yahoo. Later write and look at seobook’s backlinks you will see black, red,and yellow.Black is do follow, red is no follow, yellow is external do follow. This is easy way, nice tips, use for seo.


Thanks for posting. Looks like a useful tool.

this like the "nofollow" tool

This is really a nice manner of searching dofollow forums....thnks for informative post buddy

thanks for sharing, i will try it

The Mozilla add-on for revealing the status of the links has become very famous among webmasters as you can read this matter nearly posted on all forums.

I think u can also try do follow blog and do follow froums, then u will have great number of do follow backlinks by commenting and leaving posts.:)

I'm using SEO for firefox you can also see the do-follow and no-follow any ways thanks for this tool.

I was looking for an efective and better way to search for dofollow forums from scratch. I tried downloading the add on for firefox but I'm having problem with it. Guess I'm going to use this list. Thanks for the help.

thanks for sharing useful tool

That was really cool plugin....i never know such plugin is there.
Now i guess I can really find competitor's do follow collection..

Thanks for sharing such a useful tool. Feel free to add any links you've come across so we can all benefit.

This are the 20 website which is do follow social bookmarking Link:

1. Folkd
2. Oneview
3. Spurl
4. Feedmarker
5. LinkaGoGo
6. SpotBack
7. Connectedy
8. Blinklist
9. MyLinkVault
10. A1 Webmarks
11. OYAX
12. Pixelmo
13. TeDigo
14. MyPIP
15. SyncOne
16. Yattle
17. Memfrag
18. Ziki
19. i89
20. Chipmark

Yes this is the right strategy to find do follow links to increase backlink for the website. Yahoo shows almost every link created for any website.

Directory Link, Press release links, Article links and froums links are all great links reosurces that u may want to make good use of!@

i think i gonna try it first. thank you for sharing

Here are some places where you can get free do-follow links.
This is one of the top blogging sites online today, and thus it carries a good deal of weight on search engine results. Get a free blogger account and post on your blog regularly. Post only quality content and include links to your site at the end of each post, using target keywords on the link.
Set up a single page at and include as many do-follow links as you can. But keep in mind that over linking will hurt you. The best strategy is to have a much larger ratio of quality content than links.
Wordpress is probably the most SEO blog site today. You should build a few blogs and keep them updated. Wordpress’s wide variety of widgets and tagging options make it a perfect place to gain do-follow links.

use morzila add ons it's very easy to use

The no do follow i have use,but the backlinks analyrer i have never used, thanks ,i will try it.

Not bad, thanks dude!

Why to get so confused with the colors. Download Quirk Status toolbar and it will highlight all the no-follow links in pink color.

I would like to recommend backlinkwatch for this purpose. It would return more results than you need but not only follow or not. ;)


thx for your advice
it helps me a lot

Thanks for the information.I will try.

Thanks for sharing, I'm actually installing the addon now :)

I just want to suggest that create link for your website and check that page code is there any no-follow constraint on it or not.

thanks for sharing .. nice tool i have use it keep sharing such nice tools ...

it works, nice tip mate

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