what is organic search engine optimization & how we can do it. Is it like link building

Organic ranking is the natural rankings that your site has for a certain keyword. This is the result of the credibility that your site achieved due to lots of great backlinks from related sites.

Organic ranking is the natural rankings that your site has for a certain keyword. This is the result of the credibility that your site achieved due to lots of great backlinks from related sites.


it can be the result of great on-site optimization that receives a positive off-site response naturally


it can be the result of exceptional on-site optimization that needs little external influence


it can the combination of deploying a high quality on-site presentation while stimulating the high quality off-site ranking factors, by making those your own.


Organic ranking is the natural rankings that your site has for a certain keyword. This is the result of the credibility that your site achieved due to lots of great backlinks from related sites.

Getting high rankings on Google is a simple two-step process:

1. You must optimize your web page contents so that Google can find out what your website is about. Optimize your web pages for your keywords so that Google knows that your website is relevant to these keywords and your topic.

2. Other websites must confirm that your website is about that topic. That's what inbound links are for.

... 2. Other websites must confirm that your website is about that topic. That's what inbound links are for.

This is true to a certain extent, however, exceptional on-site optimization can outclass powerful off-site link building strategies vying for the same keyphrase in much the same way as a PR2 webpage can beat out a PR6 quite easily.

Also, it is easy to justify creating your own off-site factors. A corporate blog is probably the best way. Now you have a situation whereas you can perform on-site optimization of your off-site ranking factors. Other innovative off-site strategies are available upon consulting with your imagination. What I'm saying is: a search engine optimizer is better poised to achieve the rankings he desires when he's in full control of the presentation he offers both the search engine and the Internet visitor. Stay clear of the artificial link building strategies. They aren't required for good SERP performances.

Nice post here thanks for sharing

Also, it is easy to justify creating your own off-site factors. A corporate blog is probably the best way.

Agree, we use our company blog for two things the first to provide content about our market and second to direct Search engines to new pages and additions such as when we add new content on the main site like a new location guide.

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