Hi friends,
I am having a blog with considerably good revenue.Now I am trying to make it a revenue sharing website.
I have put Ads in my blog using my personal adsense account.Now I am going to add one of my friends as it's another user.The problem is that If he starts putting posts using his id in my blog, I want him to be able to put his ads in 'his posts'- that is just two ads, My ad will remain in the side of the page.
So I cant find suitable plugins for the same.I am using WordPress 2.8.4.
Someone please help me.

if you are registered as an independent account for your adsense...i doubt you can add another user for sharing the revenue..

Hi friends,
I am having a blog with considerably good revenue.Now I am trying to make it a revenue sharing website.
I have put Ads in my blog using my personal adsense account.Now I am going to add one of my friends as it's another user.The problem is that If he starts putting posts using his id in my blog, I want him to be able to put his ads in 'his posts'- that is just two ads, My ad will remain in the side of the page.
So I cant find suitable plugins for the same.I am using WordPress 2.8.4.
Someone please help me.

hi i can help you as i have arevenue sharing wordpress blog too .the plugin you want is author advertising..download it here.
you can check my revenue share implementation here
if you wanna any help contact me here SNIP
try joining to see revenue share model in action....bye:)

hi i can help you as i have arevenue sharing wordpress blog too .the plugin you want is author advertising..download it here.
you can check my revenue share implementation here
if you wanna any help contact me here SNIP
try joining to see revenue share model in action....bye:)

AS I HAD TOLD MINE IS wordpress 2.8.4
I think this wont be compatible...
pls reply soon....

mine also have wordpress 2.8.4 also and installing author advertising and runs well i told you you can test it on my blog SNIP
saying that plugin not tested yet on aversion of wordpress does not mean that it does not work ,look i have more than 20 plugin installed on my blog many of them not testes on the current wordpress version but they work perfectly.try.....

mine also have wordpress 2.8.4 also and installing author advertising and runs well i told you you can test it on my blog SNIP
saying that plugin not tested yet on aversion of wordpress does not mean that it does not work ,look i have more than 20 plugin installed on my blog many of them not testes on the current wordpress version but they work perfectly.try.....

Thanks for your interest..
I ll try it .....

AN error message is being shown :

Installing Plugin from uploaded file: author-advertising-plugin2.zip
Unpacking the package.

Installing the plugin.

Destination folder already exists. /hermes/web01c/b1313/pow.bhai/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/author-advertising-plugin/

Plugin Install Failed
pls fix this

ok try to upload the plugin zip file via cpanel file manger in plugin folder then unpack it then go to plugins in your wordpress dashbored and activate the plugin

Hi friends,
I am having a blog with considerably good revenue.Now I am trying to make it a revenue sharing website.
I have put Ads in my blog using my personal adsense account.Now I am going to add one of my friends as it's another user.The problem is that If he starts putting posts using his id in my blog, I want him to be able to put his ads in 'his posts'- that is just two ads, My ad will remain in the side of the page.
So I cant find suitable plugins for the same.I am using WordPress 2.8.4.
Someone please help me.

I just curious how can u apply several adsense accounts in a blog?

I just curious how can u apply several adsense accounts in a blog?

as suggested by ciidoctor I am using the revenue sharing plugin

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