When I search google for, life poker, or ,poker life, on my home computer my site << poker-related url snipped >> is in the top ten but when I search the same on my work computer it does not show up even in the top one hundred. Any ideas?
both computer I am using google.ca and I have cleared the cashe on both computers.

it may be by chance that google.ca uses 2 different indexes so one of them is out of date.

Google is constantly updating their search algorithms, and most likely you are accessing different datacenters between the two locations. They may not always be entirely in sync.

Is there a way to tell which is the most current one if this is the case.

I think that certain datacenters are known for propagating before others. I, personally, don't know which is which though. Perhaps someone else can clarify?

Is it possible that the different ranking is caused by a filter that my employer has on the local network at work?

Is it possible that the different ranking is caused by a filter that my employer has on the local network at work?

Most unlikely, it seems that the information is not sync properly on one of the networks.

yes it is most likely the update

google has about 79 different datacenters and their main index keeps switching between them. So if they stop on one and it has differnt results, that will show up

Any way of getting addresses of all datacenter Google IPs?

Thats a funky little tool, thanks for posting it.

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