The following search engine optimization techniques are SPAM.
-automatically generated doorway pages
-keyword stuffing
-hidden text or hidden links
-pages loaded with irrelevant words
-false redirects
-duplicated content on multiple pages
-misspelling of well-known web sites
-unrelated links
-centralized link farms
If you know more points, please specify.

no internal linking of content making indexing difficult.

no internal linking of content making indexing difficult.

A - Own your-domain-name-dot-com
B - Host your site on a reliable server

1 - Shorten the title to 55 chars
2 - Add the robots tag
3 - Place the robots.txt in your root on your server
4 - Get rid of the js in the code and put it in an external file
5 - Use css instead of color, size and font tags
5 - Change the link buttons or js links in to text links
6 - Make sure to have a site map page
7 - Make sure you have 404 page
8 - At the bottom of each page use menus as text links
9 - Make sure your page code is not bigger than 100 K
10 - Submit your site to ODP and Yahoo Dir, make sure to select the right cat
11 - Pay special attention to your content
12 - Try to get as much as relevant links you can
13 - Read each search engines guide lines and follow them strictly
14 - Don't spam
15 - Don't use doorway pages
16 - Don't cloak
17 - And pray hard that the big G appreciates all your efforts

Linking to dodgy sites/ banned sites are always looked down upon and are considered as Bad SEO. You can prevent it by not linking to any Bad neighborhood. If you look at the site and you see a huge link list on the side, that is most likely a link farm so you shouldn't link to it.

Don't link to warez, free download mp3, free movie streaming, etc. you should only link out to sites that you feel you would recommend, and that are relevant.

Besides that, you won't be penalized if bad sites link to you because you can't control that.

Very helpful information for me.Thanks for sharing.

1 - Shorten the title to 55 chars????? title should be at most 60 characters long

Thanks for posting this. This may serve as warning to others to not do this techniques.

Yeah, very good information.

The following search engine optimization techniques are SPAM.
-automatically generated doorway pages
-keyword stuffing
-hidden text or hidden links
-pages loaded with irrelevant words
-false redirects
-duplicated content on multiple pages
-misspelling of well-known web sites
-unrelated links
-centralized link farms
If you know more points, please specify.

I heard that automated queries is also causing problems (it is indicated on Google) but I do not know how many queries would get you in trouble.


Cloaking is considered as spamming? How about those affiliate marketer who cloak their affiliate links? Aside from that, unrelated links are also considered spamming? So you mean to say, those comments in unrelated sites are considered spams?

Here is very helpful information it will be useful to all seo guy's and thanks to all person who has sharing nice information with daniweb.

The following search engine optimization techniques are SPAM.
-automatically generated doorway pages
-keyword stuffing
-hidden text or hidden links
-pages loaded with irrelevant words
-false redirects
-duplicated content on multiple pages
-misspelling of well-known web sites
-unrelated links
-centralized link farms
If you know more points, please specify.

Autometic Submissions, For more discussion contact us on my PM

are you sure that unrelated link is need to keep in this list.

-duplicated content on multiple pages

I have pages directed at multiple locations, specifically all 50 states. Each of the pages has my home page content, but slightly modified to contain the states name. We do this because we run lcoal advertising in these states and want the prospect to land on the home page relevant to their state. Is this bad? We have considered having unique content written for each page. We decided on duplicating the home page because the information is short and it is the message we want to get across to all visitors.

The following search engine optimization techniques are SPAM.
-automatically generated doorway pages
-keyword stuffing
-hidden text or hidden links
-pages loaded with irrelevant words
-false redirects
-duplicated content on multiple pages
-misspelling of well-known web sites
-unrelated links
-centralized link farms
If you know more points, please specify.

there was a question in there..

Great thread. It will make some awareness among newbies to SEO industry.

blackhat seo techniques are generally frowned upon now.

you can add automatic social bookmarking to that list. this one is on the fence and really dependent on the service/software you use to do the automation.

All point are good and under google policy nice post friend......

I think most of the techniques are covered. Just be careful of duplicate content and be sure to read googles rules. Keyword stuffing can cause your site to be penalized. Better to not even repeat a keyword twice or this could cause your site to be penalized.

good to know all this. negative things that we should stay away!

When you say don't repeat the same keywords twice, do you mean in the same sentence? Are you saying to not repeat your keywords on the same page or within the site? In order for me to describe my business and provide relevant content I need to use my keywords frequently, not only for SEO reasons.

Also, I had posted this question earlier in the thread:
I have pages directed at multiple locations, specifically all 50 states. Each of the pages has my home page content, but slightly modified to contain the states name. We do this because we run lcoal advertising in these states and want the prospect to land on the home page relevant to their state. Is this bad? We have considered having unique content written for each page. We decided on duplicating the home page because the information is short and it is the message we want to get across to all visitors.

I understand not stealing content from other sites, but why would it be bad to duplicate your own content within your site if it is unique?

Thanks for sharing. Your tips really help me a lot~~

Also include:

door-way pages
link farms

Flash might be attractive but not to search engines and users. If you really insist that your site is Flash-based and you want search engines to love it, provide an html version.

but by using those black hat seo technicue you may be penalized by search engine and your rank will be down... so be careful.

Those tactics you've mentioned belongs to black hat SEO. You'll have higher chances that Google and other search engines penalize or ban your site when engaging on these techniques.

Thanks for made me aware on bad seo techniques. It would be much useful to newbies .

false redirects are often singled out as bad technique and I have heard that a number of sites are penalized for such tactics.

And Also do not repeat the keywords more than your competitors in your website content, if the no. of keywords is extended then you will have been banned by the Google....

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