I have law center site.Now My main Concern is to make it in the page of google with specified keyword.How would I do that?sort out this problem guys...

Your first step will be to get your website validated according to W3C standards. There link is here: http://www.w3c.org

Your next step is to go through all of your content and look for hidden or misspelled words.

Then you want to detect and remove duplicate content on your website.

From there you will go and put a emphasis on your keywords using either <strong></strong> or <em></em>:

Once you get those done you are half way through the process. There are some great do it yourself website to look at that will check your page and tell you what needs to be corrected to make it rank better. Here they are:
Hope this help you

I have law center site.Now My main Concern is to make it in the page of google with specified keyword.How would I do that?sort out this problem guys...

Hey personalinjury welcome to Daniweb SEO.

Well. It's probably best to start with your paragraphs and Headings. Write intelligent unique content. Then optimize your graphics (logical naming and compelling alt attributes). Then start workng the various optimizable webpage components: Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords, internal anchor links, webpage naming, navigation system ... Try to remain focused on offering a high quality visitor experience primarily and then pleasing the search engine secondarily. Analyze your keyprase competitors and find their weaknesses: excessive incoming links of little value, poor content, poor visitor experience. Outclass them with innovative strategies.

The object is to position your webpages amongst the top players then knock 'em out one and two at a time. This will require time, go slowly at first then build momentum. Keep offering better optimized webpages. Slow and steady.

You really have to do a good keyword analysis. Make sure meta tags are correct on your website and that you have good content. Make sure you target your keywords in you content. And check out the keywords in the source code that your competitors are using.

Make sure your website is "Googlized." A new word I use. You will need a Google site map, Google translator, Google Analytics (sp) and make sure your site map is submitted. Don't submit your website, do it organically to Google. Create a blog, and rss feed and ping them. Add more content the next day and ping it again. Your website should get indexed in only three days! Use www.blogger.com for this as it is owned by......you know it...Google.

If you have doubts about any of this hire a consultant or SEO expert.

For example, I recently built a linkwheel for a customer. I was able to get him the #1 position out of 56 million competitors. He sold allot of product and was very happy. His website got allot of traffic from these SERPS and it moved up a rank.

But make sure your website is optimized and you know what keywords you want to target. I have been doing this for over 6 years and I continue to learn every day.

Create blogs and write articles. You will drive traffic and Google Juice to your website. Link the Web 2.0 together in a linkwheel and you will massive links.

Good Luck
Frank H. and Team Philippines

You can do a search for that topic on google. You would get better suggestions there.

Ist validate your site,Then i suggest you chose best relevant keywords from Google adword..Then make your title tag rich of keywords..Also Use H1 tag..

Mybe you must choose a relevant keyword and try SEO method ...
On Page Optimization : Modifying keyword in title, url, content...
Off Page Optimization : used social bookmarking, promote in forum, article submission...

Thanks and hope it can help...

try to get quality backlinks to your website

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I have law center site.Now My main Concern is to make it in the page of google with specified keyword.How would I do that?sort out this problem guys...

From your signature looks like you have already started to figure out the answer which is long tail keywords.
Law and personal injury are highly competitive keywrds so going for subniches or long tail is the way to go
Do some on oage optimization and then focus on getting loads of do follow backlinks to your site

everyone knows the potential your website can have when you are getting search engine driven traffic to it. here is an online tool that could help one in getting there (it return indexed pages, backlinks, site value etc) ;-) ministatus.com

Here are some of the factors that needs to be considered with regards to SEO:

On-Page Optimization (done within your site): title tags, meta tags, alt attributes, h1/h2 tags, keywords, description, content, robots.txt and sitemap.

Off-Page Optimization (done outside your site) - it deals with building links. It is responsible for creating inbound links.

Look for Seo made Easy on google. Is a good resource to beggining.

Your first step will be to get your website validated according to W3C standards. There link is here: http://www.w3c.org

Your next step is to go through all of your content and look for hidden or misspelled words.

Then you want to detect and remove duplicate content on your website.

From there you will go and put a emphasis on your keywords using either <strong></strong> or <em></em>:

Once you get those done you are half way through the process. There are some great do it yourself website to look at that will check your page and tell you what needs to be corrected to make it rank better. Here they are:
Hope this help you

this is very useful information, thanks for this..................

Remember these things with regards to Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

On-Page Optimization: title tags, meta tags, description, content, keywords, sitemap, robots.txt, h1/h2 tags and alt attributes.

Off-Page Optimization: blog commenting, press release, hub page, link wheel, link exchange, social bookmarking, article submission and social networking are just some of the techniques that falls under Off-Page.

Just go step by step. Divide you job both for on page and off page. Optimize your site content, keywords, navigations, title, anchor text, ALT tags (if there is any image), header, sitemap etc. For off page try to get links from your niche sites, forums with high visitors, blogs etc. Slowly you'll start getting top position. You always need to monitor your progress, traffic, competitor sites etc.

Place your main keyword on title tag, and focus the keyword by creating back links to that keyword. Get quality back links. it makes your keywords get top on google.

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