Hi everyone and happy holidays !! A brief introduction as I am a newbie here, I'm Stephen Rivera and I run a very busy Web Design company in Palm Beach Florida. For 20+ years before starting my company, I worked as a Software Engineer for many Fortune 500 companies including IBM, Office Depot, and Royal Caribbean, coding in Delphi, VB, .NET, Php frameworks.... Been doing some SEO and traditional marketing for my clients for the past two years or so and still trying to catch up to SEO best practices....

My main concern is the long time it takes to fully implement SEO and SEM effectively even for one client, and furthermore, the fact that this work requires the use of so many different sites and tools, just wondering if any of you have found tools such as Internet Business P..., WordPos..., etc... useful at all ? Are they worth it, will they save me time, are there any other programs like that which combine things like wordtracker and Google keywords tools into a good, integrated framework??

Any help will be greatly appreciated, I am all for cutting down the time it takes to deploy SEO for a client, and maybe there are no shortcuts, but it would be nice to have some of the work automated !! :cool:

Hi everyone and happy holidays !! A brief introduction as I am a newbie here, I'm Stephen Rivera and I run a very busy Web Design company in Palm Beach Florida. For 20+ years before starting my company, I worked as a Software Engineer for many Fortune 500 companies including IBM, Office Depot, and Royal Caribbean, coding in Delphi, VB, .NET, Php frameworks.... Been doing some SEO and traditional marketing for my clients for the past two years or so and still trying to catch up to SEO best practices....

My main concern is the long time it takes to fully implement SEO and SEM effectively even for one client, and furthermore, the fact that this work requires the use of so many different sites and tools, just wondering if any of you have found tools such as Internet Business P..., WordPos..., etc... useful at all ? Are they worth it, will they save me time, are there any other programs like that which combine things like wordtracker and Google keywords tools into a good, integrated framework??

Any help will be greatly appreciated, I am all for cutting down the time it takes to deploy SEO for a client, and maybe there are no shortcuts, but it would be nice to have some of the work automated !! :cool:

Hi there,

Have you ever try www webceo com Web SEO? Quite a decent tool to use for SEO.


Hi whitepage; with all due respect, I was expecting to hear from some of the long term, regular posters here(as you seem to have joined right after my post...), and hopefully someone who does SEO professionally. Yes, I have tested the free version of Webc...(Your reply link used a different product name, hmm), one of the many packages I've played around with...

Hi there,

Have you ever try Web SEO? Quite a decent tool to use for SEO.

Know more about Web Design

anybody tried IBP, internet business promoter ? ....just give it a try guys ...

HI Joseph;

I do use that one once in a while, looks like there are a number of SEO applications which are very similar(IPB, WebCeo, WebPosition, SEO Studio, SEO Administrator, etc...), I am curious to hear if any of the veteran SEO guys here use any of those or recommend one in particular, trying to bypass a long trial and error and perhaps purchasing the wrong package, especially if I don't need it, so far I have had good results just doing the research and deployment manually....

anybody tried IBP, internet business promoter ? ....just give it a try guys ...

Why don't you try iSpionage? I have been using it for some time now and i am content. You might be very satisfied with it. It combines the most important features a SEM tool should have. They have free versions for testing, http://www.ispionage.com/Products/Keywordtool.aspx. Give it a try!

...Any help will be greatly appreciated,...

Hey Stephen

I have tested a few automation tools over the years and, even though it can become incredibly tedious, I have more confidence doing stuff by hand. The most automated thing I use nowadays is Find and Replace. Then again, when I started in SEO I only had Windows 3.11 with Notepad and an early version of Photoshop.

Should be someone around who has some modern fandango SEO automation tools.

The forum's been fairly quiet throughout the holidays (hangovers and family visits I suspect):( so maybe hang out a bit and check up on your thread once in a while. g'luck.

Thanks for the reply, you are right about the holidays, sometimes I forget SOME geeks have a life, hehe !!!

Hey Stephen

I have tested a few automation tools over the years and, even though it can become incredibly tedious, I have more confidence doing stuff by hand. The most automated thing I use nowadays is Find and Replace. Then again, when I started in SEO I only had Windows 3.11 with Notepad and an early version of Photoshop.

Should be someone around who has some modern fandango SEO automation tools.

The forum's been fairly quiet throughout the holidays (hangovers and family visits I suspect):( so maybe hang out a bit and check up on your thread once in a while. g'luck.

more webdesigners should be aware of this new tool : ministatus.com, not only it returns most importat SEO and SMO data but also it does a real value estimation of the queried URL.

I used to combine using of seoelite and keyword elite. But now I do SEO jobs for my own sites mainly manually because search engines and other services have blocked such automatic scripts and thus it is hard to help in your jobs. :)

All the best,

I hear you, I wonder the same about the tools...

I used to combine using of seoelite and keyword elite. But now I do SEO jobs for my own sites mainly manually because search engines and other services have blocked such automatic scripts and thus it is hard to help in your jobs. :)

All the best,

Took a look, thanks for the head's up!

All the best

Not sure what to make of the previous post, suffice to say that reviews and search results like you mentioned are constantly "Gamed" by the tool developer themselves. many tie the so called "Review & Testimonial" site you find was built by the tool company, its all a complete sham, that is the main reason I join forums like these and hope I get sincere replies by real pros :-)

i tried seoquake and it s fine

There are to many software in the market for different different query purpose ,so you can choose according to your requirement that you want ...so search with your particular keyword and find it online...

Yes, I use that tool and it is a great help ;-}

i tried seoquake and it s fine

i'm using bruteforce seo, the software require you little manual tasks. It submits articles to various high page ranked article sites, social bookmarking sites, video submission sites, and other popular social media.

I used to combine using of seoelite and keyword elite. But now I do SEO jobs for my own sites mainly manually because search engines and other services have blocked such automatic scripts and thus it is hard to help in your jobs. :)

All the best,

I agreed with you, I do not use freeware or any other software when it comes to optimizing the page, sometimes your site can mark as a spammer or worst that google will intend to block your site. do it manually and as long as it is a white hat.

IBP is a good software.

Hi everyone and happy holidays !! A brief introduction as I am a newbie here, I'm Stephen Rivera and I run a very busy Web Design company in Palm Beach Florida. For 20+ years before starting my company, I worked as a Software Engineer for many Fortune 500 companies including IBM, Office Depot, and Royal Caribbean, coding in Delphi, VB, .NET, Php frameworks.... Been doing some SEO and traditional marketing for my clients for the past two years or so and still trying to catch up to SEO best practices....

My main concern is the long time it takes to fully implement SEO and SEM effectively even for one client, and furthermore, the fact that this work requires the use of so many different sites and tools, just wondering if any of you have found tools such as Internet Business P..., WordPos..., etc... useful at all ? Are they worth it, will they save me time, are there any other programs like that which combine things like wordtracker and Google keywords tools into a good, integrated framework??

Any help will be greatly appreciated, I am all for cutting down the time it takes to deploy SEO for a client, and maybe there are no shortcuts, but it would be nice to have some of the work automated !! :cool:

SEO Expert and Internet Marketing Professional with 2.8 years of experience. I have specialization in organic search engine optimization and websites promotion on major search engines like Google, Yahoo & Bing, Social networking, and other on-page, off-page marketing activities

Rank Tracker by Link Assistant is a must have it's expensive though.

I agree - manual is the best.

Google dosen't like these automated systems.
If I use them every once in a while Google comes back and states there are automated searches running and denies me access to Google.

Rule of thumb - the simpler the better.

I use blog and article marketing and automate it using various software and so on.

Elite SEO Software is best software to learn SEO from Beginning

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