3oltan 0 Junior Poster in Training

Ok so here's my experience and I hope you guys would chip in as well. Not necessarily accurate coz i'm kinda high right now haa!

BL Service:

Have had great success with it, used it on one website and it's at #3 now but the links aren't enough (only 250 per month + 50 per donor blog) to support my army of websites.

Pretty much is just a link exchange (not reciprocal) network. Seems like you could get up to 10000 links per month, 250 links per website per month. I haven't tried this but people say neurolinker is better. I can't say for sure because I have tried neither.

I've heard that Google do have the technology to track this kind of links so beware.

Used it for 2 months, have not seen any results, they say that it might take up to 3 months but who would wait that long?

Doors is currently closed, people say it's better and cheaper than linkvana so I'll give this a shot, already cancelled membership to 1waylinks to give this a go.

Pretty much is the best article distribution service, slightly more expensive than iSnare but much much more efficient, and faster.

Ezinearticles and other article directories
Well for getting BL's you only need to submit ONCE to these directories, submitting 10 articles to EZA for BL's = 1 BL because they share the same IP. It's like having a BL to your site in your sig here and posting 20k posts. Google still see them as 1 BL from 1 IP. Ya dig?

It's free because it sucks, nuff said.

Shit is alright but owner removes your link once you stop paying them which is gay so f*** that. I'd rather stick with 3waylinks, Johnatan leger and me got no beef.

Now, SEO Tools..

F***that, and f*** Earl Grey. I do own AutoPligg, it does what it does but shit gotten few of my sites sandboxed. I would stay away because Earl's a dick and would not give a refund for the life of a mother. there's no manual and his excuse was he doesn't want any douche to use the software. haha, **** you earl!

SEOlinkpro, well this one is just a disaster and will always be. Earl's been getting high a lot lately so this will never get done. Can't believe they made people pay for this shit when it's like, still in Alpha.

WTF, the guy asks $1 for people to try this POS and guess what, that's the only way he'll ever make any money with this POS.

BruteForce SEO
Well what happened is this guy and the UAW owner did like a JV, UAW guy sold the articles that members submitted and BruteForce SEO uses the article and add new links to it while preserving the old links.

From an SEO point of view this is dumb. The articles already have 3 contextual links in it, adding one more will make the juice worse. so much for being a Guru

The only tool worth paying any money for, you need the right strategy to get results with this but it works. If there's a tool that you'd ever need for SEO, it's SEnuke, the others are pure crap.

Ok, shit did I miss anythang?