I have been running a few old sites (3+ years old) and new sites (less than 1 year old). You can't apply the same SEO tips for old and new sites.

They don't work the same. I mean, I can submit articles or new pages to social bookmarking sites 5 times a week. However, I can't do the same with new sites.

If I submit my new sites to social bookmarking sites too often, I will get reindexed. If you want to get indexed faster, then don't try to get many back links for new sites.

In other words, I can't get many backlinks too often for new sites.

Am I wrong?

Any idea is appreciated.

Thanks and have a good day!

I'm afraid, I disagree with you. You can still build backlinks for your new site as much you build to your site. If you want your both sites to rank you have to do the same on the both site.

... Am I wrong? ...

You may very well be but that doesn't matter. What matters is that your thinking is displaced. You are concerning yourself with the most meaningless of things imaginable. None of the stuff that is boggling your mind; about new vs old while throwing in this or that off-site variable, matters. It doesn't matter. It is not important.

What is important is where your web pages rank in keyphrase searches. That's important. Concern yourself with the stuff that's within your control: your on-site ranking factors, your content, it's linking structure across the site/network and then create a little bit more of that meaningful, unique, indisputably authentic, necessary, intelligently crafted, magical content. Then tweak a web page component that needs improving, a Title tag for instance, that could keep you busy for the next fifteen minutes sometimes. Then go about making some good fresh important content, stuff that the Internet needs to be made accessible. Guess what you concern yourself with after that?

If you want your site to get indexed for a targeted keyword, building backlinks is the answer but make sure you are using your targeted keyword in the anchor text pointing to your site.

Of course you can still do apply seo tips for old to new sites. Don't go for the quantity of links in your link building campaign - go for quality.

Yes is true. Better quality than quantity. And more if is a new site.

u can find compititer 's backlink and see wht thay do.

I have been running a few old sites (3+ years old) and new sites (less than 1 year old). You can't apply the same SEO tips for old and new sites.

They don't work the same. I mean, I can submit articles or new pages to social bookmarking sites 5 times a week. However, I can't do the same with new sites.

If I submit my new sites to social bookmarking sites too often, I will get reindexed. If you want to get indexed faster, then don't try to get many back links for new sites.

In other words, I can't get many backlinks too often for new sites.

Am I wrong?

Any idea is appreciated.

Thanks and have a good day!

In my own experiences, if you want your sites to be indexed quickly, getting backlinks from high PR (above 6) sources would be OK. I don't think there would be a backlink quantity limitation. :)


i thinks great step to increase traffic for get index faster by google is used SEO method ..
On page and off page activity is must balance and must support to each other ...

On page optimization :
choice and improving keyword in URL, Title, Content website, Keyword tags

Off page optimization :
social bookmarking
social networking
forum submission
article submission
press release submission
blog walking / blog commenting

some unique content & daily updation will work. Try to have some blog post pointing towards your new aite.

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