Hi everyone,

I have been exploring the various link building systems out there. ie. LinkVana (which appears to be quite expensive).

Anyone have any experience with any of these systems ? What works and what doesn't.

Hi everyone,

I have been exploring the various link building systems out there. ie. LinkVana (which appears to be quite expensive).

Anyone have any experience with any of these systems ? What works and what doesn't.

This appears to be what are known as "link brokers" who use their networks of web sites to furnish one-way links to whatever source pays them. Should this in fact be a link broker then understand that this practice of link popularity boosting is highly frowned upon in the real SEO and of no real usefulness to either a search engine or an Internet visitor. The search engines squash them and when powerful link brokers get caught everything capitulates from there, although the effects on your linked-up web pages often appears to be negligible, naturally. See the illusion there?

Amongst their many claims, the one that "No risk of being discovered by search engines" is false and completely ridiculous. The search engines are quite familiar with garbage dumps and marketing trcksters, I mean the link selling strategists, link brokers sorry ... I better go away now.

I have no any experience regarding this systems but want know more about it.

These are the simplest and important steps for link building for your domain..

Primary Consultation
Competitive Analysis
Traffic Analysis
Traffic Benchmarking
Keyword research
Website Optimisation and Content Editing
Search Engine Submission
Directory Submission
Forum Posting
Link Popularity/ Link Building
Rank reporting, monitoring & tweaking the site accordingly

Hi dcc1. Things with SEO aren't so bad, and if you want to get your domain on the top of search engines, you gotta put some effort into it.
In my opinion, the ideal way to a correct link building is thorough a lot of backlinks.

You should try to make these backlinks keyword-focused, organic, from relevant content, and (it's important) from different IPs and domains. Keep in mind that its best if your backlinks are from webpages with authority.

Generally I dont go with any link building system, I prefer to go with manual link building which is much effective on seo point of view.

You have to be careful who you use for seo. There are many reputable companies. But your probably better off just doing it yourself. Directory posting is a good start. But working on the content on your site will really determine your rankings.

Here's a concept to consider, rather than figuring out ways to link the shit out of your web pages in an effort to appear to have important content, why not just craft well-optimized important content?

Is better do it manually for long term results.

From my personal experience these are the link building systems that work (I'm a current member with each of them)

Unique Article Wizard
Article Marketing Automation
Free Traffic System

Here's a concept to consider, rather than figuring out ways to link the shit out of your web pages in an effort to appear to have important content, why not just craft well-optimized important content?

I hear this concept works and it actually saves you both time and money in the long run.

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