
I have a 3 months old dating site. I transfer from an 18 months old dating site to this site.

Should I use htaccess 301 to redirect from the old site to this new site?
Should I create a link from the old site so users can click on it to go to the new site?

What method is better?


Have a nice day!

Hi friends,Here I am sharing some points,which I have concluded form my experience..

Content Creation
Social Media
Real Time Search
Indexation and Crawl Frequency
Manage Outbound Links


From my point of view you should use 301 redirect method.

The second option is not so good because the user may loose interest in goint to new site after visiting the old site..

So, it will be better if you prefer 301 redirect.

Thanks & Regards,

Hello Friend,

Firstly you do some posts in the forum .Then create the XML site map of the site and add the site map in to the Google Webmaster Tool and also Post in a Blog commenting and some more.......

1. After you have done your(or others?) new website, login Blogger.com and create a blog there. Don’t need to be serious about this blog, you just make use of it for your new website. :P
2. Start a new post with link to your website in Blogger.com account. Don’t need to write full page long, just few keyword text with links are enough.
3. Publish the post. An atom.xml file is generated as well.
4. The path of your atom.xml is http://yourblog.blogspot.com/atom.xml. Note the path.
5. Here is Second Part. Login My Yahoo!, click the “+ Add content” link, which located under the search field.
6. At “Find Content” bar, click “Add RSS by URL”
7. At new page, paste your blogger.com atom feed URL into the URL field, and click “Add” button
8. The feed will be displayed in My Yahoo! page, and you are done!

yes, is better to redirect the new domain if the old has some authority.

Good information about 301 redirect thanks for sharing

i agree with them. I used to do redirection on my site and even the the pages inside it.

Both ways you mentioned will cause indexing at the approximately the same speed, but a 301 redirect will cause the page rank to follow from the old domain.

If you put a link on the old domain, the page rank will eventually drop off the old domain and will not help the new domain. So if you want the page rank of the old domain to be posted to your new domain use a 301 permanent redirect.

It is better you go ahead with 301 redirect. With the 301 redirect, the customers would be redirected to the specific page without they knowing it. Moreover, they do not do the second click.

For Google to index fast - Just social bookmark your website in two websites and two relevant blog comments.

You could get the result immediately.

getting index faster is quite hard proces. though web 2.0 proces is faster, forum signatures,!try them!

Of course, the first choice is right. It would redirect all the backlinks and PR juices to your new domain. BTW, building backlinks from high PR (above 6) sources would be really helpful for indexing purpose. It would usually happen within 48 hours, IMO. :)

Have a nice day,

yes, is better to redirect the new domain if the old has some authority.

Many actually are doing this one most especially when they already build their own followers. Of course, it would be very difficult for your regular visitor to search for you over the net. You really need to redirect them to your new site.

I will if you DIGG it you will get index pretty faster. You can also put links on other social websites. This has work for me before and has been working for me now.

yes this is the right way

301 redirect is the way to go...

Hi guys,There are some points which defiantly helpful in indexing fast.
Link building your links
Unique Content
Directory Sub.
Getting links through forum posting,blog commenting

Try to submit your site in directory, article submission, forum postings and do link building.this will help you to get your site indexed faster.


I have a 3 months old dating site. I transfer from an 18 months old dating site to this site.

Should I use htaccess 301 to redirect from the old site to this new site?
Should I create a link from the old site so users can click on it to go to the new site?

What method is better?


Have a nice day!


It totally depends upon what you want from these websites. If you want to close the old website then IMO you should have 301 redirect and if you want to run both of them at the same time then having a link of both the website on each other is the best option to go with. Hope this helps

Best Regards

to index fast, you need the help of backlinks. use free blog commenter!

Go to Socialmarker.com and dispatch upping for at primogenial 50 of the superlative accounts which they bestow you the opportunity to win. Once you postulate signed upgrowth you obligatoriness go to Roboform.com and buy Roboform to speed up the attempt process (radically recommended), or you rap stay manually. Next, get the splice of your created – but not yet indexed – page, besides submit it to all the websites you signed up owing to keep secret socialmarker.com.

Good keywords will help you to rank up fast - try Semrush as a keyword research tool.

Yeah... you should use 301 redirect instead of placing links on your site.

Free blog commenting is black hat so I am afraid to do that.

Google may ban my sites off.

First do search engine submission and submit your site in to Digg and promote posting on social networking site like twitter and Facebook

The most excellent method to do this is to mark excellence content that other bloggers will link as well as to interrelate with other bloggers on their blogs through their comments.

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