I often heard about doing comment on these post that are related or niche. I want to know that comment on these sites that is do follow ans have high PR is totally worthless or not.

Thanks in advance

yeah. comment posting on irrelevant niche is not that much effective compare with comment posting on relevant niche.

No, they are not worthless. it could be effective in PR juice & link as well.

Comment posting on irrelevant niche sites, does not carry more value than comment posting on relevant niche sites. However, those kind of links are useful if the web page where your link is having following attributes:
Less outbound links
no spam content
Good PR

I have to say that commenting on threads, links or sites that are niche irrelevant can have its pros and cons. It often times depends on the prestige of the site. If it has a high PR then regardless of the comment, search engines will consider it. This is due to the PRESTIGE of the high PR. However, I strongly recommend doing both Do-Follow with high PR and No-Follow backlink building. This looks much more natural and looks as if you really are working and not spamming. If you are considered to be doing spamming can have dire effects on your site's possibility of getting ranked, and your business succeeding.

Thanks everyone for your valuable response that will be really beneficial for my learning experience.

Isn`t too much effective but it counts too...after all, it`s still a backlink

Commenting on posts in order to gain some value somehow from the links ... whatever happened to the day when we commented on posts because we wanted to contribute something intelligent to a discussion?

Of course, any backlinks would have their own juices for your SERP and PR though those backlinks from niche relative sources would be weighted better. :)

Have a nice day,

Comment posting on irrelevant sites will provide low quality back links, so better you need to get quality back links.

How can I find my niche related blogs or my niche related sites. If you have any search tool by which I can find my niche related blogs so please provide me.

Thanks in advance

How can I find my niche related blogs or my niche related sites. If you have any search tool by which I can find my niche related blogs so please provide me.

Thanks in advance

how about searching Google for related blogs. You can even search your own blog in Google and next to the result you can click the "Similar" link... might unveil some related content.

Wait.. you are planning on contributing genuine and useful comments, right?? I didn't just help you comment spam.. did i? :-O

Blog comments could be regarded as part of link building packages for the websites but it is a mistake only using them to rank high in very competitive niches.

how about searching Google for related blogs. You can even search your own blog in Google and next to the result you can click the "Similar" link... might unveil some related content.

Wait.. you are planning on contributing genuine and useful comments, right?? I didn't just help you comment spam.. did i? :-O

I have an auction site and I want to search those blogs which related to auction so I can increased my knowledge about auction.

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