Hi Friends,

I heard that social bookmarks are not useful to get backlinks, on the other hand those are good to get index by Google. Is that true? Is there anybody getting backlinks via socialbookmarks? If so, what are the bookmark sites which you guys are using?

You know, these are good questions. I don't know if I can answer any of them but accept a chance for an emotional outlet, this is therapeutic because it allows me not to stuff my rage for search engine manipulators to pile up to high. I release it slowly but steadily throughout. I do enjoy being free of any anger.

So, I have been holding myself back from blasting the Bookmarking search engine optimizers and its sister act the great News of the year story search engine optimizers. Does everything you people create need to be bookmarked or made newsworthy as SERP NEWS headlines. I'm so tired of searching for "search engine optimization service" and reading "SEO company from blah blah blah offers the first ever FREE SEO QUOTES!!! on the first page of results. Crapola, thinking themselves SEOs, just clever Internet marketers getting easy ad spaces by spamming the search engines their agendas as being news or finding ways to list their pages to be bookmarked as being of some importance and meriting something in return for creating the illusion successfully, SERP swindling ...

Have something worth bookmarking? Have something worthy as submitting as news for SERP showing? No. Not usually. You people look to make your webpages appear to be worthy of qualified visitors using search engine trickery. Looking for any good easy to get unmerited link and use the growing number of ridiculous News services for cheap, sometimes free, easy places to get your ads in the search engine results pages and expect your important news to deserve special priviledges in the results pages. Ya, this really works good, for about a day.

Why not, if you have webpages worth bookmarking, optimize them, promote them a bit here and there and let the search engine's natural ranking factors take its course. You don't have to manipulate the search engine to please it in the SERPs. Craft optimized webpages in an evolving web site. Add external components such as a corporate blog, if needed, to tease the search engine's off-site ranking factors, let backlinks flow in naturally. Don't have to manipulate the search engine, just tease it, a little more ... create indisputably authentic uniquely important well-optimized content within a well structured website, then in a relaxed manner, keep doing that.

Yes, its effective both for the number of backlinks (mostly dofollow), as well as the dual benefits of increased exposure and traffic.

No, Social bookmarking is the easiest way to gain traffic. You can get backlinks from most of the social bookmarking sites except from popular sites.

Hi Friends,

I heard that social bookmarks are not useful to get backlinks, on the other hand those are good to get index by Google. Is that true? Is there anybody getting backlinks via socialbookmarks? If so, what are the bookmark sites which you guys are using?

You are able to get some additional links by using them but you can't consider them high quality backlinks. On the other hand social bookmark sites can bring additional traffic to your site.

I would suggest to submit your most important pages to delicious, stumbleupon and digg.

Yes, social bookmarkings are very helpful for gaining good traffic as well as some backlinks too. There are several bookmarking sites avilable and they are useful to do.

Yes of course do follow social bookmarking sites are helpful to generate back links as well as increased site traffic. Social bookmarking sites like stumbleupon, digg, delicious, mixx, slashdot, mister-wong, etc are can be helpful for getting back links.

Yes, Social bookmarks are helpful only to get quick index by Google. It is not possible to get changes in SERP with the help of Social Bookmarks. There are very few DOFOLLOW social bookmark sites which offer good backlinks, but still those are not enough, We should go for other approaches to do so.

Right, back links from social bookmarking would not be so powerful as back links from articles or press releasing because you would only get tags but not direct anchor text for linking. But it is really helpful for traffic purpose, especially on those niche relative bookmarking sites. :)


Social book marking still important.I get back links from Stumble upon and delicious.

no it is not possible . they are really help to get a website indexed fastely and get quality backlinks for a website.

Hi Friends,

I heard that social bookmarks are not useful to get backlinks, on the other hand those are good to get index by Google. Is that true? Is there anybody getting backlinks via socialbookmarks? If so, what are the bookmark sites which you guys are using?

can you tell me from where have you heard that social bookmarking not useful for backlink and traffic??? how you use these site? have you ever done analysis on top social bookmarkig sites like digg, stumble upon, reddit?? these are the site that can rise a business a day only.

Hi Friends,

I heard that social bookmarks are not useful to get backlinks, on the other hand those are good to get index by Google. Is that true? Is there anybody getting backlinks via socialbookmarks? If so, what are the bookmark sites which you guys are using?

You can get backlinks from social bookmarking sites.

But the main objective of doing so would be getting from them traffic.

if you social bookmark your site to dofollow social bookmarking sites,it will help your site to be indexed fast and will bring some traffic from search engines,I advice you to social bookmark all your post if you have a new site

I am not agree with you in social networking because their is a lot of members in social networking sites when you join any group you can share your any this with them so if there is a lot of users then u can share a lot of and get more and more clicks.

Social Bookmarking is still very very relevant and gaining importance day by day it give users the opportunity to express differing perspectives on information and resources

Social bookmarking has done well for us.

You just need to pick the right sites to utilize.

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