can any one tell me about new techniques & strategies of search engine optimization

I have a better one its called ctpm

Content- traffic- presel-l monetize

Good eh ?

Ill send you a link to a ebook i read about it !

Well the tricks are the same old ones, however, they need to be done in newer ways. There was these link directories earlier which were given high value by google, but now they are given the least value.

except for minor changes, everything remains the same.

My advice is not to follow any Black Hat SEO techniques. This will really hurt the chances of your site appearing on Google's SERP which is detrimental, especially for an e-commerce site.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process of improving the volume and quality of traffic of a site on search engines. There are two types of SEO - On-Page Optimization which deals with the proper use of title tags, alt-tags (use when describing images), h1/h2 tags, description, keywords and meta tags while Off-Page Optimization deals with building links. All of the techniques like forum posting, social bookmarking, article and directory submissions fall under this type.

Thanks for nice info

nice information thanks for sharing

Stay connected with the SEO forums, from here you can easily update yourself with new promotional tactics & strategies.

Finding web2.0 sites that have high PR and post in there. Many sites are not yet utilize by internet marketers until now and it is fun to find one. Although squidoo and hubpages are good sites, there are still other ones like

You can always find one.

If you put the same question in google you will get hundreds of sites who will answer it.

Maybe you'll find new techniques here:

- article submissions
- blog commenting
- classified ads
- directory submissions
- forum posting
- link exchange
- press release
- online groups
- social media and networking
- social bookmarking

Why not use google and search for....SEO.

IMHO, u should do the following
1. article submission
2. forum posting
3. press release submission
4. blogging and blog commenting
5. directory submission
6. link exchange

hope help and regards!

hey buddy nice information thanks for sharing
and really its work

I have a question for all of you... While going for SEO which activities should be given prioroty... ON Page Activities or OFF Page Activities!

SEO is best technique for generating more traffic to your website. My advice is first you should work on some old techniques & strategies....And not to follow any Black Hat SEO techniques. Thanks for sharing..

SEO is one of the great process and there are many ideas and techniques invented and they are as that Make great site and make also friendly URL and use a best,unique and relevant title and description on every page and use key words from WordTracker and made a best link with the help of SEO.

submit your site on high PR sites.

nice information thanks for sharing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a site in search engines. There are two types of SEO - On page optimization, which deals with the proper use of title tags, alt tags-(used to describe the images), H1/H2 tags, description, keywords and meta tags, while that off-page optimization deals with the construction of links. All techniques such as forum posting, social bookmarking, articles and presentations of the guide are included in this type.

Try to get more and more back links on high page rank pages.

Get back links from different different domain and from different different ip's also with relevent sites.

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