what is the best way for bringing a website on the first page of Google ?
is it link building ?
if the page rank increases website can become on the first page of Google search engine ?
what is the best way ?


Best ways for bringing a website on the first page of Google is.

Build solid backlinks. Using off-page SEO techniques like article submissions, bookmarking submissions, directory submissions, forum posting, social media optimization and use unique content in your website.

commented: so much help full. +1

Best way to build maximum number's of quality back links.That does not mean you page high suppose search engine rank.

Thanks a lot both of you for Help,i got it.

Lots of quality backlinks, great useful, unique information on the site, clean HTML code that follows all the best SEO practices, and a good navigation structure.

yes quality back links play vital role in build high ranking in SERP

By creating good back links (do follow) you will get good page rank for your website. It can be done through submitting your site at Social Bookmarks, Submitting articles related to your website, Forum Submission, Blog Commenting putting signature links And directory submission. If you do the following then definitely you will get a good page rank over the time.

Link building is the slow process if you wants fast result then go for PPC (pay per click).

Search Engine Optimization is the best way to bring a website on first position in Google.
It is not pure link-building. It is On Page Optimization followed by Off Page Optimization (Link-building).
It is not necessary that every website having a good page rank should rank high in Google, however, Page Rank gives an authority to a website to be a good website.
As discussed above, Search Engine Optimization is the best way for increasing sales/ leads/ revenues and more conversions.

Your website have good content and solid links. This is important for SEO firrst page

Google gives more priority to Off-page optimization.so try to get backlinks from the sites which are related to your business.

Page Rank has no weight in ranking. What you need to do is to provide more useful content to your site and optimize it properly. Further, always visit this forum for more tips on SEO ;)

link building is not only the essential factor to get your site listed in first page of serach engine..
definetely its a factor but you should optimise your website first and then do the off site seo..
also aqs per the latest algorithm panda..if you have same contents in many links..google will low down your significance in search result..so the usual directory submission with the same content wont work.. at all..it will give a negative effect

Content And Design

Make Sure your Meta Keyword and the content are related ( you can check it on seocentro ).Dont forget to submit you sites to 3 top search engine,Webmaster tool.Add your link to at least 5 social bookmarking sites like digg,stumbleupon,delicious.

Submit your link to blog directories ( for blog ),Rss feed sites.Add you link to Facebook pages,and twitter feed.

Also do blogwalking and leave a good comment ( related to the post,dont spam )

Be active in forum.And i forgot something,make sure your page loading are fast.Search engine love Fast loading sites.

On Page optimization, H1 to H4's, Alt Tags, Page Titles, Unique Descriptions and most important Unique Content...

Once your happy your on page optimization is done and unique start building 1 way non reciprocal links on as high ranked PR domains as you can.

Make unique and error free content. Do organic seo.

Only through best on-page optimization one can bring their site on the first page of Google search.Content should be very informative and unique for off-page optimization.

De most important thing is your content should be unique because content is the key... quality content with high quality back links will make u come on top in google search list..

To get the position on first page of google , you have to be sure for some points. Like you have to get the maximum quality links so through it you can get traffic. By other ways also you have to increase the traffic of your site , as traffic increase google will notice your site, and if find meaningful then it will give your site nearest position. But for that unique and relevant content is required. And keyword also important as similar words site will be displayed in the results. So you have to manage all the things for getting first page position.

To bring your website on the first page of google search engine follow the following points :

1. Select highly demanding keywords for your website
2. Insert keywords intelligently to stay top at Google
3. Treat your Title tag to stay at first page
4. Take action on the statistics given by your post
5. Ensure frequent update
6. Communicate with your visitors
7. Incorporate lots of one-way high quality links
8. Research, don’t copy, be original
9. Give special attention to the key features
10. Work hard until you achieve success

You can do following off-page activity:

--Blog commenting
--Forum posting
--Classified submission
--Social bookmarking
--Social media optimization

And so on.....

if visitor come from relevant place and if your website link placed in right and related place of the site content then as visitor increases website place in search engine also become top. also the High quality back links right ?

1) content is king, Optimized contents (for readers and Robot) is the emperor.
2) Build High quality links ( links from relevant blog posts and/or articles with lot of readers, Not from blog comments and forum profiles)
3) avoid bad link neighborhood
4) Maintain a Blog related to the niche of your money site, write non-duplicate, original high quality content
5) Connect with your readers through social media but don't spam
6) See you on Top

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