Hai friends,

I am a web developer and this is my first foot step to SEO and Im very new to it. I wanna optimize one of my own web site. I had a small idea about SEO.

My doubt is
1. How to increase visitor count in my web site ( describing about tourism ). What are the different ways.
2. What is back links ?
3. I heard about directory submissions. Any one explain what is it ?

I am expecting some kind advices ... Thanks in advance
Thank you for your precious time.....


My doubt is
1. How to increase visitor count in my web site ( describing about tourism ). What are the different ways.
2. What is back links ?
3. I heard about directory submissions. Any one explain what is it ?

Hi Rajeesh - welcome to DaniWeb... here's my best shot at answering your questions.

1. There are many different ways to drive qualified traffic to your site.. You'll probably want to start with optimizing your on-site content so it jives with the keyword search phrases you are targeting - which in your case has to do with tourism and travel. You'll also want to make sure you have compelling and comprehensive information with proper spelling and grammar to help make sure your site is viewed by users and search engines as a viable resource. Without this solid foundation, you will have an extremely difficult time driving qualified traffic and establishing your brand. Once you have this, you can start spreading the word via social media, press release(s), and good "old fashion" online and/or offline advertising.

2. So called "backlinks" are essentially link citations from other web resources. You want other websites to link to you because a) it usually means that others think your site is a worthy resource which is good for branding (note: stay away from bad neighborhoods and "link exchanges"); b) they can send you direct traffic and c) link citations from other quality and relevant resources will help your website's rankings in the search engines.

3. Directory submissions are exactly how they sound. You submit your website to a directory for possible inclusion. Most webmasters and SEO-types submit to directories because they can provide direct and relevant link citations as well as some traffic. However, there are so many low-quality directories aka "link farms" out in the WWW, that google and other major SE's no longer use directories as quality indicators. If you do plan on submitting to directories, Google recommends you submit to directories that actually perform a human editorial review service. This means that someone actually looks at the submitted website to make sure it meets quality standards. It also means that they reject low-quality sites and spam. This is good. However, if there is a review service being performed, you'll likely have to pay a review fee... Unless you are submitting to DMOZ, in which case you either have to wait 2 years (slight exaggeration) or bribe one of the editors (half-kidding). :)

3. Directory submissions are exactly how they sound. You submit your website to a directory for possible inclusion. Most webmasters and SEO-types submit to directories because they can provide direct and relevant link citations as well as some traffic. However, there are so many low-quality directories aka "link farms" out in the WWW, that google and other major SE's no longer use directories as quality indicators. If you do plan on submitting to directories, Google recommends you submit to directories that actually perform a human editorial review service. This means that someone actually looks at the submitted website to make sure it meets quality standards. It also means that they reject low-quality sites and spam. This is good. However, if there is a review service being performed, you'll likely have to pay a review fee... Unless you are submitting to DMOZ, in which case you either have to wait 2 years (slight exaggeration) or bribe one of the editors (half-kidding). :)

Directory submission is not much valuable like earlier as point of SEO. You won't get much benefit from directories. So I would suggest to go with couple of top most local business directories instead of hundreds of directory submissions.

well the main aim is to see your page among the top in search engines.
Web traffic can be increased by promoting your page in related forums and blogs. Social bookmarking sites are also very important. However you should make sure that the forums and blogs are do-follow otherwise it would be a waste of time.

Backlinks are simply links that will direct others to your page. This can be done in forums and blogs as well.

Directory submission can be done through software that will propel your URL to many directories at one time, hence you save time. Else you can submit to directories with only high PR.


1 . do it social network sharing, some famous sites like twitter, facebook. linked in, myspace, & bookmarking posting & do follow forum posting

2. back link means back born of our site its also called inbound link..

3. Human editors review each submission for quality and content before accepting it into the directory. The volume of new site submissions is so huge that they can afford to be selective. Increase the chances they'll choose you by submitting a first-rate site and following submission guidelines exactly.

To increase your site traffic you can do article submission, press release, talk in forums, blog commenting and participate in social networking site.

Backlinks are those links that points to your site from other related sites.

In directory submission you submit your site to directories in the relevant categories. Submitting to high page rank directories will to some good.

I totally agree with Jay. I also would like to add you should consider optimizing the site at least every 6 weeks to 3 months if you dont see the results you want to. You need to optimize content on your site to reflect the keywords your visitor will use to visit your site.

Good Explanation by Jay!
If you follow these advice then you can achieve your target and you should try to get back links from which sites that's related and have high PR to your niche It would be really helpful to increase your keyword serp's and write keyword selection is also important to get traffic.

Hi, Rajeesh

I think "Jay 11" has offered a really nice answer above. One thing I would like to mention it is you could try to use social networking and social bookmarking sites for instant traffics before your SEO efforts come into effect at the beginning of your new sites.

Have a nice day,

jay your answer is really nice and very informative.

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