Hi guys,

Does anyone know a tool that would allow you to automatically split test ads in AdWords? I have 17 PPC client campaigns and each one has close to 100 ad groups. Split testing ads in them manually using something like splittester.com is a nightmare. This would save me a ton of time.

Thanks in advance,

Unfortunately I do all of my AdWords campaign edits on the website. How flexible is Google's downloadable campaign management tool?

sorry, no idea... i prefer the natural, free way... backlink :-) but anyway, i pray for your sucess..

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Adtestmagic is a very useful tool, and is free. 100% recommended.

Hi Dave,

I use www.adtestmagic.com for this. I also used to use www.winneralert.com, but adtestmagic is free so it's a no brainer :-).


These sound great. Are they easy enough to pick up and use?

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