Hi all...

We all know that nowadays having blogs has became the most integral part of online marketing......but how effective is creation of blog using blogger.com? Does it help in SEO and increasing website traffic?

yes, blog is most important factor in seo. its really helps you to increase the website traffic and you can also link your blogs to your site, even you can put the other links on your blog. it will increase your link popularity. you can create blog on blogger, wordpress etc.

Hi all...

We all know that nowadays having blogs has became the most integral part of online marketing......but how effective is creation of blog using blogger.com? Does it help in SEO and increasing website traffic?

Of course. Blogger.com is very popular and in my opinion it's the no. 1 free hosting site that is recommended as a alternative to use in promotion if you have not enough money to invest in buying a hosting and domain.

No doubt blog helps your site popularity and also serps report if you use regularly anchor text in your post.


In my own experiences, blogging via blogger platform and back linking to your sites would be really helpful for prompt indexing purpose of your newly added pages.

all the best,

As per my knowledge Blogger can most important part for website promotion. blogger can update day by day and keyword get listed on top on Google

Yes, is very effective but I prefer wordpress.

According to me making blog or using blog is the SEO technique and each seo technique definitely increase the traffic but here i want to tell you one thing that if you just depend on blog then you are wrong you must apply different ways of promoting.

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