Run faster than your competitor to reach number one spot in Google and all major search engines.

SEO is the hottest task in any kind of business starting from local grocery shop to Fortune 500 companies. Reaching the first page of Google always benefit for better traffic and of course more sales.

Each and every website launched over the web wants to reach the first page to reach their targeted audiences crowd.

You need to increase your content and relevancy of your site to get major benefits of search results.

When you ask any OLD GENERATION SEO COMPANY or OLD GENERATION SEO Tool, first thing they will do is competitor analysis. Do you think is really useful ? 100% NO.

My dear Internet marketing friend, Google or any other search engine NEVER expose their search algorithm to anybody, even by search analysis. How do you think by comparing with you competitor will help you in SEO?

You need to concentrate and work hard to pull your site to higher ranking than your competitor RIGHT ! In what way, following your competitor analysis will work?

When you analyse and started working, your competitor will also put similar efforts and maintain their position. You need to apply powerful SEO technique that should be quality than your competitor to get more benefits from search results.

Finding competitor links and submitting your website. My dear friend, you never get valid link partners from your competitor back-links pages; only google webmaster tool (private access for site owners) tells the valid external links. Your link submission will be rejected by many webmasters since your site is not ranked in search engines. It is very hard to get quality links by competitor back-links.

Read my next SEO tip about How to increase site rankings in simple steps.


This is really good. love to read more.

Yes, I do agree with your points, from my experience too, Competitor analysis did not help much to me. I always stick on my own way, my own track on getting links and optimizing my own site. That leads me to get good Rank on Google SERP. :)

hey iam totally agree with you on that article that don't follow your competitor what your competitor is doing just do your work which is unique and different and hard work to get recognized buy the search engines.


Yes, competitor analysis is very important in SEO. I think for competitor analysis Google alerts is one of the best way to do it.


I am fully agree that the article, which does not comply with your competitor, the competitor is doing just what does the job, a job that is unique and different and hard to get recognized by search engines to buy.


I think for competitor analysis Google alerts is one of the best way to do it.


I use it too I think there's no wrong in knowing your competitor because by that you can analyze their strength, keeping yourself updated is very important in SEO...And for the article I would say you should not try to copy your competitor,keeping your work unique and interesting will always help to succeed.

Finding competitor links and submitting your website. My dear friend, you never get valid link partners from your competitor back-links pages; only google webmaster tool (private access for site owners) tells the valid external links. Your link submission will be rejected by many webmasters since your site is not ranked in search engines. It is very hard to get quality links by competitor back-links.

This is really impressive and informative...!!!

I fully agree with thread completely.

Thanks for sharing good article.

Thanks so much for the tips:)

Thanks for information.
But i think competitor analysis is important. From this we analysis that what approach is using by our competitors.

This is one of the method to increase the page rank.Over the years social networking sites have gained tremendous popularity, they are not only famous but carry millions of fan following as well, for example face book, orkut and twitter. Major reason for such massive spread is that they hit the target bang on right and sing the right chord of emotions. They play good role getting traffic but not good for back links. They ends up getting you no follow back links. Thus start looking for more meaningful sources to get good traffic and back links.

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