I am very new to SEO.I have just started to do initial part of SEO like blogging and writing article.But I am struggling how to make my blog to be search engine friendly so that it ranks in search engines.And also giude to to bring traffic to my blog

Thanks in advance

Add meta tags to your blog. Meta tags are important for search engines.

Create back links from high PR sites, it will work for you.

Promote your website at Social Media Like Face Book Twitter .

join Forums Relevant to your niche and Post about your website.

Yes you can try social bookmarking also, like Sara said.

How do you add meta tags on blogger

share your blog via social bookmarking on diffrent sites like face book, twitter ,friendester.com etc. your blog should be intresting that people can read. if your blog is not intresting.than peoply hardly read your blog.

Yes you can also promote your blogs through Social bookmarking as well as in forums and through articles.

the first thing is that your blog should be original. and interesting. if your blog is not interesting no body will read it. once you have write interesting blog you have to
do smo for that blog.you can share that blog via different networking websites.

Blogging is a good start. The first thing you'll need to start your SEO from is backlink building and content writing!

Also go for RSS feed submission and free ad submission... It will increase popularity of your website..

Firstly you have to make unique content , when writing an article keep in mind about your keyword. keep keyword density 5-7% , use keyword in heading, first line , last line, in tag . this is the process for on pages SEO.
use meta tag.

then create quality inbound link. the more inbound link more possibility to get key wird ranking.

that's all .......

you can build some quality backlinks to your website

All of them are correct, however if you want to know the the step by step process, i can give it to you please email me i can give you a book

I totally agree with that, content writing, backlink building, socialbookmarking and social media marketing is a good way to start.

Firstly the contents of your blogs should be attractive and carefully written than share your blog via social bookmarking to other websites,blogs and forums with good PR.

HTML Code Clean Up & Optimization: Make it perfect
Link Development: Develop quatlity backlinks to improve your sites PR and Ranking

What is meta tag? Please kindly briefly describe.

SEO is very basic to learn, but it will be more complicated and complex to do. As from what I know, you should focus on On page and Off page. It is all about content, meta tags, building backlinks from social bookmarking to forums, blogs, articles submission...

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