how can i increse ranking of my blog, so that google may search it.

First try to put links by commenting in good quality blog which help you get increased the crawling rate of your blog then further what work you will do will see by google and your will get ranking do not put in the blogs which post has not updated from months or years it give your blog also downfall graph.

First keep unique and fresh content and create contextual relevant back links.

Start creating links to your website from other relevant websites:)

make more to more quality back links using Forum posting.. etc and increase traffic using Facebook, Tweeter... etc.

To increase ranking opf your blog share it via social bookmarking websites.. try to make blog intresting and then share it

Do social bookmarking of your Blog. Submit Blogs url to other high PR relevant sites.

If you are using wordpress the install a plugin All in one seo.and start building backlinks for your site to increse search engine ranking

To increase the ranking of your blog,
You need to create some innovative and unique content for different
postings in off page optimization..
Your links should be connected in good quality blog and
try to get more back links from good quality yielding sites..

But all in one SEO plugin automatically generates keywords for every pages.
How can it helps in generating backlinks.

Use different links on your blogs using the blogroll option and also try to increase the links by doing bookmarking and seo of your blog!

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