Hi... How Fast do you belive i can rank on one keyword With around 3000 monthly searches?

There is no real quick way, at least not permanently, unless you have very little competition in the niche and it seems that you are not. You just have to keep link building and adding content.

It really all depends on your niche, if you don't have a lot of competition in a particular niche you can rank high quickly, but if there is a lot of competition it's going to take a some time, hard work and patience.:)

totally depend upon your competition. If you are opting all the techniques result will definitely come.

That entirely depends on the content of your website, and your SEO. Plus, it is also luck, google spiders do find good content and high backlinks soon.

Ok tnx I appreciate

It depends on how you optimize.

Ranking depends on niche market you are in & how good your link building and seo content is. Based on that only ranking can be achieved and there is no shortcut effect to this.

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