If you are into SEO, you will know that building backlinks to a web page is the key to high rankings.

However there are some common misatkes (you can make without even knowing) which will get your site banned from the search engines.
See these common mistakes here: Common Backlink Building Mistakes

Good points for link building mistakes to be avoided has been explained which lets one understand how & why such sites get banned & no effect in ranking

They may or may not be aware of but I know a few who has been doing some of these.

They may or may not be aware of but I know a few who has been doing some of these.

They may get away with it for some time, even a write an ebook on "how to get on page 1 of Google in 10 minutes", etc.
But one day they wake up and their website is gone from the SERPs. If that is a business you depend on, you wouldn't want that to happen would you?

Everyone must be aware from the back-links mistakes in order to protect there site from ban.

Link baiting – while not entirely bad in itself link baiting can hurt your site’s standing in the search engines when these links are coming from sites whose content has no relation to the content on your site. Say you are running a scrapbooking website and you had links coming in from weight loss sites, this would not look natural and might alert the search engines.

If this were true what would stop your competition from doing this to you.

If this were true what would stop your competition from doing this to you.

Hi Dougadem,
What would you rather do, build back links to out-number those of your competition or build backlinks from irrelevant sites to your competitor's site (to try and get then penalized?).

Think about the time and monetary constraints in building backlinks.

Hey I totally agree with you. Thanks for pointing out these mistakes, I realized I also did them once.

Thanks for sharing. Some people say that the .edu and .gov backlinks are not important this days but I think that they are very important.

Well i think the rule of the thumb is to avoid black hat techniques of the search engines.. Be very fair and do link building is legitimate way..

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