Hello Friends,

As we all know that SEO is slow and continuous process and it takes time to achieve the results. But as per client perceptive he will definitely ask the question that, "I have paid the money so show me the results?"

Every one wants to rank on first position in Search Engine. Though it is possible but it takes time and need some patience (specially from client side). So till the time we do not achieve the goal how can we assure the client that the SEO is proceeding in the right direction.

Reporting is the way to explain the client but what all should be included in Reports is my question?

Also some time there is no much difference in two reports or some time results are down. So at that time how to convince the client?

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It is a debate over last few years the SEO industry has been facing. I believe the client knows about the nature of this Business now better than anytime before.

If you think reporting is a solution here is few things I think you might consider adding to it:

1. List of Directory submission
2. List of links created
3. List of Social Bookmarking done
4. Other social media platform activities.
5. Forum, blog, article post links.
6. Brief report about on page optimizations.
7. Analytic Report showing the site is gaining traffic and referral.

May be there can be many more but I hope this will help you start thinking.



Every site has different needs based on their stage of development and their long-term goals, every SEO report is custom designed.

SEO reporting includes
* Analysis of your keyword
* Improvements for your site
* Review of your content strategy
* Link analysis intenral and external
* Keyword Usage

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