Is there a way to list the backlinks I have on Yahoo! ??? I tried the link:url format but it does not work... Is there a way to do this?

What does linkdomain: actually do? Does it actually find the backlinks?


In yahoo, you need to use the full url with the link

With linkdomain, it's done as stated above.

Hi g0rb4ch3v (and the rest of the Thread)!

You can find a very interesting article about Yahoo! Site Explorer, where you can learn how inlinks are calculated. There are also several tools available for counting and listing backlinks. Here's a rather long list of free tools
You may also want to try my PageRank Gadget tool ( which finds out your PageRank, Alexa ranking plus the number of backlinks to your site, as reported by Google. Altavista, etc.

Greetings from Argentina

post a commnet on a blog site :D

Is there a way to list the backlinks I have on Yahoo! ??? I tried the link:url format but it does not work... Is there a way to do this?

I just found what i was looking for..i got some of the very cool tips..
thank you..keep posting..

Most of the free tools doesn´t show the backlinks on google. Is needed to create an account on google webmasters center and look for the backlins there.

you can not find them as this is the toughest job in the world :-)... if you can not even get this done using the above mentioned ideas

Is there a way to list the backlinks I have on Yahoo! ??? I tried the link:url format but it does not work... Is there a way to do this?

in yahoo for back link checking... its working i know
link: does work

Try Yahoo site explorer it gives all the backlinks if the number is within the 1000 backlinks.. Or you can also check on the backlink checker....

get a firefox add ons it's a search quirk status =) it's great and very easy to use. it's a SEO tools where you can get also backlinks from your competitors

Use anyone of the link popularity checker tools available online.

same way like goole,ok many many thanks but in some place i saw they used linkdomain: so what is the use of it...
Ask Question and get Answer:


i dont belive yahoo is good

I have found backlinks to my site by your method.
I have some backlinks to my site. here:- Best PTC Sites

I think the best way is via blogging. When you post quality comments in blogs with high Page Rank your weight becomes bigger

Try to install SEOQuake..

you can do this by yahoo site explorer.try it for your site it is like google webmaster tool.

Use the command :

-for Yahoo

Yes, Previously this command was working, now its not working. Please can you suggested any other command.

Create a press release and publish it on PRWeb, if it's good your story will be covered by Google.

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