what is the best time for start link building for a new site.I have created a new blog by wordpress on 5/11/2010 <snip>.
i want to know that ,i can start links building for it.
I have listen that creating links for a new site is harmfull and google penalized your site for search results.

You can start the link building any time but firstly give some time to on page optimization... choose some targeted keywords and other activities. Than start the link building and other website promotion techniques as well. Good Luck!!

There are two aspects to SEO, as joy12 indicated. On-page optimization (proper HTML practices, keyword density, etc) and off-page optimization (Building backlinks).

It is important to have lots of links coming into your site. But, you're right, it works against you if Google discovers that you are paying for the links, and they didn't come in naturally.

To naturally start building links, start doing link exchanges with other websites about similar topics. Also, try to get yourself listed in directories such as DMOZ. (But not spammy type ones).

Well there is no such thing that google will penalize you.. As soon as your website is ready or your blog is ready you can start link building.. Just follow the basics for developing your website or blog so that you get maximum benefit through link building!

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Hello There

Once your site is up and running you can start building links. Its good to be done with your On page optimization first that will help you to keep the traffic you are getting from the links.

The best thing you can do before start link building is to have a good plan it should include what Keyword or Topic you want to build links for because they will be your "Anchor text" and where you want to build your links (Platforms and Methods). Finally make sure you are utilizing good social media channel like (Stumble Upon, Delicious, Twitter, facebook) they will give you and your site a good reputation and traffic.

Hope this will help your query

WIth the launch of your website or blog, you can start to to create backlinks for your site.

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