Any one who can help me to guide about link wheel? I am really interested in how to create a link wheel.

Most link wheel tools I've come across are pretty pricey and not always worth it. Link builder pro has a free edition you could start with. It's important to stress the value of the websites you're looking to include in your link wheel.
Building a link wheel with quality content is going to be a slower process than just generating one with some random software, BUT it's going to be worth it in regards to a useful CTR.

I found this website pretty helpful,
Hope that helps!

links wheel is a link to your site a form a ring, the link between them with each other, so that each site have been voting to other sites, but doing so will be considered cheating google

Link Wheel is basically collection of Web2.0 properties(blogger,blog,wordpress,hubpage,squidoo etc) i.e. one property links to second, second links to third and so on, last website links to first and thereby a complete wheel structure. Each Web2.0 also points to our main website.

While pointing to our main site, you want to use your keyword in anchor link for which you want to rank. Also you need to use keyword in anchor link while interconnecting each Web2.0. wheels...yay... lol

In short line link wheel is, making a wheel by linking to your website. It is working as a link, it links your site a forum a ring. This ring is between them with each other with this each site voting to other site.

I've been trying to implement link wheel for my website. But it seems difficult to understand.

Really, I feel a link wheel is iffy- if you get all quality links, it could be great, but im seeing that most of the time, the links arent related, and that may harm you more than anything.

Hello mate Link Wheel is good method in promoting your website like interlinking website to others sites like blogs and social networking websites. It increases both back links and traffic to the website.

linkwheel was to strengthen the position of your blog, because the links that are used are the links that support each other, so that the support that led to your blog will grow stronger

Publish your content in web2.0 sites and give link to your site and your another web2.0 sites in clockwise direction.

For me link wheel is very complected and I also don't understand it well.

A Link Wheel caster is the action of creating 12 or so new blogs on a accurate topic. On anniversary of those sites, you address 200 words of different content, and cover 1 Link Wheel to your targeted site, and 1 Link Wheel to one of your added blogs.

I have heard that closed link wheels tend to be devalued, but open link wheels work well.

Try typing link wheel into Google Images. You'll get some nice stuff there as well that can help you understand it if you're more of a visual person.

Thanks Solocin but the link you have provided dont really explain much about linkwheel. It's more of an advertising pdf.

The link wheel creation was designed specifically for people needing to do a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) this link wheel allows them to backlink their site around to them again making a giant circle of information.

Try to create a link that rotates between several blogs that you, so that the position of your main blog will grow stronger

Linkwheel is a powerful technique maximizes your SEM, SEO backlink. It is a good way to get more traffic to your site. These search engine link wheels links to your website, gives a higher ranking. Wheels should be a part of your strategic SEO along with article marketing and other powerful techniques.

Quick and easy: A link wheel creates links that build on each other. Using 5 Web 2.0 properties and linking #1 to #2 to #3 to #4 to #5, you provide link juice to each other. At the same time, you link from each site to your own website/URL. This provides additional juice to your site.

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