i have a site, www.blaircountylawnservice.com
I promoted it for the last year - it does what i need it to.

I recently just purchased a new domain that points to the same location

I have read/heard before, that if your domain name contains the search string you normally get excellent page ranks on google (along with having matching content).

What would be the best way to promote this page when the site is optimized to use blaircountylawnservice.com for seo?

should I add | free lawn care help to the end of the titles, or make some h1, h2, h3 tags that say free lawn care help? not sure how to get good page ranks with this site.


is "free lawn care" your targeted keyword? if so, then yes.

well - i would like to make it one of my targeted keyword - just not sure what i should do to accomplish this ?

putting it in your absolute urls's is a good way to promote it, as well in your title, meta tags, h1's etc.

Also make sure to include it in your content, the text portions of the page. At the beginning, middle and end. Do some research on basic SEO tips, including focuses on prominence and density.

yeah i have a database with q & a and php page that shows them based on a bunch of things

i was thinking of adding | free lawn care help on the title,

then somewhere on the page adding the h1 or an h2 with free lawn care help resources or something of the such - just wasn't sure if that was enough

thanks for your help!

no problem. you can also think about adding an image, and titling the image the new keyword. That's always a good effort.

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