Hi friends.

I have a project. I am doing directory submission & social bookmarking for it. I have done submission in 5000 directories & 400 social bookmarking.

I just want to know that is there any limit for directory submission?

Don't waste your time with these mundane, pointless exercises. There is no SEO skill to these off-site manipulation techniques. Everyone is doing it and everyone is getting the same meager benefits from it. Try performing search engine optimization instead.

5000 submissions? I think thats enough for a few months. You can continue bookmarking new contents and links, but i won't recommend directory submissions further. Why don't you look forward to other techniques.


Frankly saying that don't waste your time in directory submission, If you submit your link to 100 directories..then the probability of approved links be only 10 % means 100 links will be approved, so it better to take some effective SEO steps...for links creation

In submitting my website to directories, I have this list of directories with their PRs. I sort it highest to lowest. After which, I choose the top 30 high PR directories and submit my URL to each of the website on that list. For social bookmarking, I choose the top 3 high PR bookmarking sites, and submit max of 3 urls per site. The most important thing you have to keep in mind is, in doing any link building efforts, be natural, make it look like one to avoid being tagged as spam.

i don't submit thousand of directories just take only pr directories.

Directory submission and social bookmarking is only helpful in getting backlinks if the sites are do follow with high pr.

There is no such directory submission set limits. However, all submitted links directory should not be relieved through the automated software. Submitted in the regular directory at regular intervals to produce the best results.

More than quantity I think that quality is the most important factor.

if you are doing no of directory and bookmarking than your site will come on the high pr if not than do work on dofollow sites

I think 5000 directory submissions are a lot for one site. The important thing to consider is how many of those directories are high pr ones. If you have high PR directories, then even 100 postings will be helpful. Same goes for bookmarking too.

There is no limit. but my suggestion is don't waste your time for directory submission & Social bookmarknig both are totally waste. still now i have done for my websites more then 5000 link in both, even i never get a single backlink. and most of the directory submission is no follow. no follow backlinks is never help to SERP.

concentrate on other techniques too like blog commenting and article marketing to diversify your links.

There is no limitation for it but use only quality directory for directory submission.

Directory Submission is not very helpful,Concentrate on some other off page activity.

5000? do you use any software or doing manually? I think 500 quality high pr is enough instead of pr0 spammmy directories.

I think that quality directory submission is valid.

Directory submission is good for a website, but directory submission alone is never sufficient. There are other ways also to improve the ranking of a website.

no there in not any limit but you have to check they all are dofollow. if yes then you will get rank on your keywords soon otherwise it'll take time.

Although there is no limit in submitting the directories or social bookmarking, you should keep it natural looking. Dont submit in bulk. Now you have submitted 5000 directories don't submit anymore. Only do social bookmaking. While doing social bookmarking do use different account so it should look natural. Also don't submit more than 20 bookmarks in a day.

Spend some time in Article and PR submission. It is good source of backlinks.

It will be more beneficial.

Dude according to my experience do not do directory submission more than 500 , it takes 1 months or 3 months or not even listed. Get blog commenting and go regular to forum discussion you can increase your website backlinks up to 1000 or more just in 3 weeks .
And its proven you can try a week doing blog commenting and take another website doing directory submission. You can see 10 times more backlinks from blog commenting and that to high pr rather than directory submission.

My suggestions don't waste your time with Directory submission. Better you concentrate on Social Book marking.

5000 web directories?, are you serious?. Get ready to face the Penguin shock now.. It is an outdated technique and didn't work any more if you have any doubts on that just check this expert review on directory submission Click Here

I Think forum posting & article submission is a great way to build link. There is a nice SEO forum called http://samuraisseo.com/forum.php that I visit regularly to know latest update about SEO & Internet Marketing.

helooooo friends
i m discusing about directory submission limit
according to google we can submit 200 directory for a site in a whole
day but u should submit according to kayword ranking
for low ranking submit more and for high ranking keyword submit in limit
but if u submit on high page rank then it is enough 50 directory submission par day

Be very very careful with Directory Submissions post-2011. Gone are the days of rolling out these kind of links, purge your profile and make sure you're only on relevant or High-PR websites now.

I had a client's website up to PR 4 after a couple of years work, with a huge amount of effort going into direcotry submissions for unique backlinks. As you can see, they're now a PR 1 because of this, Google's changes are retro-active too...

There is no particular fix number as such. Because after submission you can guarantee whether your link would get an approval or not.


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